Global sharing. Affordable Learning


A platform cooperative to improve the efficacy of mentorship with an open education ecosystem

Wayne Mackintosh


Open Education Resource Foundation

Partnership of ODFL in the Pacific

OER Foundation

Nurturing sustainable futures

There is no form of educational delivery more cost-effective, scalable and sustainable than open education

The report

Literacy Research: People and Content report (Institute of Education 2021)

Lessons learned from initial courses and selected Pacific case studies

Learn-by-doing using the ecosystem as a platform for mentorship

Our project vision

Seagull sky flight by maleifl dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0

Empower every Pacific Island state to

remix and host their own Open Educational Resources (OER) professional development programs

build digital skills capacity using shared open infrastructure

provide mentorship opportunities to gain practical experience

ensure quality education and knowledge sharing

Self-sufficiency and resilience for OER-enabled Open, Distance and Flexible Learning for the Pacific

Open education ecosystem

Hands and puzzle pieces by PublicDomainPictures publish under Pixabay license





Digital OEP


Lessons from the Pacific project


PPODFL MOOCS are popular

Many participants exhibit limited proficiency in digital literacy

The challenge of donor overload in the Pacific

Inadequate (or expensive) digital infrastructure for online delivery

Low completion rates

Case study - Blended delivery


Dr Janet Subagan-Mondez (Assistant Deputy Principal, from the Flexible, Open, and Distance Education Unit of the Department of Education in Papua New Guinea) facilitated weekly face-to-face sessions for learners taking the DS4OERS online course.

  • Weekly face-to-face sessions for learners taking the DS4OERs online course to demonstrate use of software tools
  • 56% improvement in completion rate compared to average for independent study learners.

A Pacific platform cooperative


FOSS digital learning ecosystem

Component-based system

The demonstration project

3 (or more) Pacific countries to select 1 PPODFL OER course and to remix, publish and offer a blended face-to-face delivery option in your own country



  • Two officials who have successfully completed the 'Empowered Digital Teacher for Online Learning Course (EDT4OL)
  • Granted release time of a half-day per week to work on the project until completed
  • Join fortnightly mentoring sessions online


  • Free access to the FOSSDLE commons infrastructure for hosting and delivering the demonstration pilot
  • Mentorship from staff at the OER Foundation

Working together

"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together"

African proverb


FOSSDLE - A platform cooperative to improve the efficacy of mentorship with an open education ecosystem

By Wayne Mackintosh

FOSSDLE - A platform cooperative to improve the efficacy of mentorship with an open education ecosystem

Presentation prepared for Asia Pacific Regional Workshop to support the implementation of the OER Recommendation

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