Global sharing. Affordable Learning

The gifts that keep on giving

A South Pacific OER story

Wayne Mackintosh |


Open Education Resource Foundation

UNESCO APAC Regional OER Consultation

The OER opportunity

There is no form of educational delivery more cost-effective, scalable and sustainable than open education

OER Foundation




Our Strategic point of difference


OERF's areas of action of the OER Recomendation

Action Area 1: Capacity building

Action Area 3: Inclusive and equitable access to OER

Action Area 5: International cooperation in OER


on Open Education

16 Open Education Chairs

13 Countries

An OER Gift - OCL4Ed

Gifts by PublicDomainPictures published under Pixabay license

6 Cohorts offered between 2011 and 2014

Supporting 3,049 learners from +90 countries



LiDA103 - English version

LiDA103 - French version

Software localisation

LiDA Reuse example

Western Pacific University from university website, all rights reserved

Dr Janet Rangou


Learning in a Digital Age

Required course for all degree students

Assessed by Western Pacific University

Papua New Guinea

Another OER Gift - 2015

Gifts by PublicDomainPictures published under Pixabay license

Pacific Partnership for ODFL

Open technology infrastructure

8 online courses

10,202 learners

Kiribati DS4OERS localisation

Anee Teiaua

Senior Lecturer

Population: 121,388

32 Atolls (20 inhabited) and one raised coral island

Total land area of 811 square km dispersed over 3.4 million square km

Pacific federated course sites

An existential crisis for OER?


Dead sunflowers by Frank Busch licensed under Creative Commons Non-commercial

Generative AI eradicates OER's former competitive advantage

A sustainable response for Small Island Developing states (SIDS)?

Build ecosystem diversity through open solutions

Scale down excessive technology consumption in education

Focus on digital sufficiency

Convivial technologies - Enact the commons with tools

Fully understandable, manageable and controllable by

the communities which rely on them

A SIDS platform cooperative


Our FOSSDLE project vision

Seagull sky flight by maleifl dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0

Empower every SID to

remix and host their own Open Educational Resources (OER) professional development programs

build digital skills capacity using shared open infrastructure

provide mentorship opportunities to gain practical experience

ensure quality education and knowledge sharing

Self-sufficiency and resilience for SIDS to cooperatively deploy OER-enabled online courses

The open multiplier effect

"The rise of powerful AI will be either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity. We do not yet know which."

Low cost

Low risk

High impact safety net

Seagull sky flight by maleifl dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0

Stephen Hawking

Investment in open solutions in education


APAC - OER Regional Consultation

By Wayne Mackintosh

APAC - OER Regional Consultation

Presentation prepared for Asia Pacific Regional Workshop to support the implementation of the OER Recommendation

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