Automated tests in Engage 

Cypress: Better, faster, and more reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

CodeceptJS: Modern End 2 End Testing Framework for NodeJS.

- different kinds of tests (not only e2e)

- debuggability

- automatic waiting

- Pinky team use cypress 

Why we should select cypress?



- e2e tests with “shortcuts”

- e2e tests with stubs and interception

- Gherkin tests (BDD)


Visual testing









Component testing (experimental feature) 



Our Component Test Runner is separate from the Cypress End-to-End (E2E) Test Runner and they can be used either separately or together. They share the same driver, server, and commands. The primary difference is that with E2E you visit a webserver with cy.visit() and with component testing you mount your components directly with mount.


Testing components requires less infrastructure than testing web applications; therefore, Cypress component tests are much, much faster than their E2E counterparts. Cypress component tests perform similarly to component tests executed within node-based runners like Jest and Mocha.


The component test runner has a dedicated entry point from the CLI: cypress open-ct which will launch directly into the browser.


Debugging, with time-travel feature



    Single source of truth

    Tests should be integrating with our pipeline process.


    Must have: dedicated instance, which would be rebuilding after every commit to master branch


    Recommended: dedicated instance for each Pull Request


    By Magdalena Szumna


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