October is coming soon. It’s the time to celebrate the scary festival Halloween. Change your appearance to fit this atmosphere. Halloween contact add you a special outlook and a perfect finishing touch. Make yourself extra scary with halloween color contacts.

Halloween contacts are mainly designed to wear once. Especially hard ones are made to use for a small period of time. Discard the lens after used once. Do not store this to wear for the next Halloween. If they are worn for a long time eyes can be dry.

It is the main problem of Halloween contacts. So if you have naturally dry eye, then must use eye drops to remove dryness.

If you are a new lens user then you may feel some discomfort. Contact lens may fold, fall out, and drift below the eyelids. If this has happened remove the lens from the eye and again try after some time.

Usually doctors suggest two popular brands of contact lens. They are wild-eyed and Crazy-eyed. Both have a lot of collection, color, variation that will properly match your costume. But wearing Halloween contacts are not completely safe.  As it is a medical device, it has to pass specific requirement criteria to supply before. A Proper license, manufacture details, label, instruction of use and caution must added before they go to the market. Because eye safety is above of all. Besides, according to the health ministry, smokers who use contacts have more risk than eight times to develop a corneal ulcer and several corneal infections. But the good news is that collecting your lens from licensed opticians rather than local shops is safe. Because they will give it to you by examining and checking the proper fitting. And give you a proper instruction of using and cleaning. It will cost more than local shop or online stores.

From opticians your costume lens may cost around $25-$30. But you may find that types of lens in the online store at the cost of $12. Here the previous one is safer than the next, because materials of this lens may starve the eye of oxygen. This will cause dryness and swell under the lens. As a result blurred vision, corneal damage or scratch on the cornea, any allergic reaction like red eye, itchy may happen. Top layer of the cornea may recover itself. But if the scratch is deeper, then infection and vision problem arise from there.
Enjoy your holiday but do not forget about the safety.


By Magic Angel Eyes


October is coming soon. It’s the time to celebrate the scary festival Halloween. Change your appearance to fit this atmosphere. Halloween contact add you a special outlook and a perfect finishing touch. Make yourself extra scary with halloween color contacts.

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