Cool facts

about snakes

Your guide

Mateus Malaquias

Software Developer at Bank Itaú

Snake Lover 💕


There is a lot of misunderstanding 

and fears when we talk about snakes

The truth is they are amazing and must be protect

Session One

They are a big family

  • Snakes are reptile and you can find them across the globe (except Antarctica)
  • They are everywhere you can run away to a forest, savannas, mountains or to the ocean you will find a snake 😄

Australia has bla bla bla...

  • Everybody knows that Australia is the most dangerous place in this planet, every animal in there will kill...
  • So of courses the most venomous snakes are in Australia (tiger snake, taipan)
  • Do you know about Ilha da Queimada Grande in Brazil?
  • The Snake Island belongs to Brazil
    and it's not possible go to make a visit, because it's a home to an estimated 4,000 venomous vipers

Do not confuse snakes with dinosaurs descended


Here is a


Session Two


  • Ectotherms? Yep! Snakes have cold blooded and they use external sources to get the blood hot. (Antarctica is a bad place to be a snake)
  • When the blood is hot they will struggle to digest food and move fast.
  • But it's not good to a snake be hot every time, because be hot cost energy and a good snake is lazy.


  • Do not try to convince your pet snake to be vegan, because they only eat meat !
  • What a snake eat?
    Lizards, frogs, insects, mammals (rats, rabbits) and others snakes.


  • There is just two case confirmed that a Snake (Python reticulatus) eat a human...
  • A python or sucuri can not eat a human or a cow, but they can try :)
  • The snake will not follow you! They will try to escape from you!!
  • Snakes can not hypnotize us! This is an India street show!
  • Snakes smell milk and suckle in cows and women (this is a myth)

They can survive for

months without eating

  • Snakes don't like to go outside and hunter the meal of the day...
  • They prefer waiting for food...
  • Some snakes can go for over one year without eating...
  • A pet snake should be fed regularly!

Session Three


  • Stop to confuse venomous and poisonous...
  • Snakes are actually venomous...
  • You can eat a venomous snake and nothing is gone happen with you...
  • But if a venomous snake bite you... pray...

OH! But exists non venomous snakes too

Session Four

External Ears...

  • Many people think snakes are deaf, because they don't have external ears...
  • They are mutants... they have internal ears bones
  • We developed a new technology to help humans studying how snakes detect the sound

They have nose,

to smell you

  • A Snake flicks out its tongue to smell the air.

  • They have a special organ called the Jacobson’s organ in the roof of their mouth.

Session Five

Parthenogenesis 🤨

  • Even when males are not available some species of snakes can have babies \o/
  • Not all snakes lay eggs...
  • Snakes can be viviparous and oviparous

Session Bonus

List of deadliest animals to humans ⚰️

  1. Mosquitoes - 1.000.000 per year

  2. Humans - 475.000 per year

  3. Snakes - 50.000 per year

  4. Dogs - 25.000 per year


By Mateus Malaquias