Current Architecture

  • File-Based GIS Data Structure
  • Esri ArcMap & ArcGIS Pro Desktop GIS Software
  • $1,845/YR in Esri Software Licensing Fees
  • - Custom-built Read-Only Web GIS Applications
  • Testing Use of Community Supported GIS Software

Fragmented GIS Local File Hosting & GIS Web Data Hosting

No Field GIS Editors or Web-based Editing Applications in use

Current GIS Applications



  • Desktop GIS - ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, & QGIS

    • Original Imagery, Files, Photos, Plans, etc on IT Server

    • Dynamic GIS Data Storage on IT Server

  • Web Host - Netlify  (Free Tier) -

    • File Hosting (Images and Documents linked to Assets)

    • Web GIS Data Hosting

  • Data Host - Mapbox (Free Tier, costs could change)

    • Web GIS Data Hosting

  • App, Web & Data Host - Esri ArcGIS Online (Limited Use)

    • Collector & Workforce Apps - Field Editing & Work Orders

    • Web GIS Data Hosting


GIS Looking Ahead

  • 2 New GPS Units coming soon (1 water, 1 engineering)
  • Storm sewer asset collection should start July 2019 - ?
    • First use of ArcGIS Collector for Asset Collection
  • Water data will be delivered summer/fall 2019
  • GIS solution for tracking water/sewer field work
    • Esri Collector, Workforce, Survey123, or Third Party
  • Mapillary street view imagery collection Fall 2019
  • Research & testing of GIS server solutions to consolidate web-hosted GIS data and potentially replace internal IT server for GIS data storage

Storm Sewer Asset Collection

  • Trimble R2 high accuracy GPS device (coming soon)
  • Use Esri's Solution to jump start the data schema
  • Use Esri's "Collector" Application for Android/iOS/Windows (app is free)
    • Need a minimum of 3 additional AGOL Editors @$350/yr
  • Data stored on Esri's cloud - ArcGIS Online
    • (minimal if any cost)
  • Data can be edited in Collector or ArcMap in real-time
  • Data can be viewed publicly as read-only - available on (not yet live)


Other options being considered

Storm Sewer Asset Collection Cont.

  • Start with a small area and collect all assets - points & lines with Malcolm and Scott's field crew
  • Once complete, evaluate the process to determine if the field crew can collect on their own, at least for point-based data
  • Evaluate sewer camera software & GIS integration
  • Revisit if Mapillary asset extraction would be helpful

IT File Server 

Netlify & Mapbox Web Hosts

GIS Desktop (ArcMap)

Cloud Real-Time Database

Field Collection Application

GIS Database

Web Server

Esri GIS Server

ArcMap, Collector & Workforce


ArcGIS Online

QField or Custom Mobile App

Storm Sewer Asset Collection Tasks

  • Tweak & Test Collector App - GIS
  • Test out the GPS unit - GIS
  • Finalize collection parameters - Malcolm/Scott
  • Choose camera software - Scott

Path Forward

Host Once - Available Everywhere


  • IT File Server

    • Original Ortho Imagery, Files, Photos, Plans, 3rd Party GIS Data

  • GIS Database & Web Server

    • ​GIS Website

    • GIS Database Storage
    • Web GIS Data Hosting
    • Web File Hosting & Ortho Image Hosting for web maps

  • App, Web & Data Host - Esri ArcGIS Online (Limited Use)
    • Collector & Workforce Apps - Field Editing & Work Orders
    • Web GIS Data Hosting


Minimum Upgrade Requirements

Cloud-Hosted GIS Database


Dedicated GIS Web Server - Maintained by GIS or IT

  • Could add on to current Netlify with Pro plan $45/mo
    • Adds Basic Authentication


Cost Estimate

$600 - $1200/YR

GIS Database

Web Server


ArcMap, Collector & Workforce

ArcGIS Online

QField or Custom Mobile App

GIS Database

Web Server

Esri GIS Server

ArcMap, Collector & Workforce


ArcGIS Online

QField or Custom Mobile App

What's Missing?

Seamless Editing from the Desktop to the Cloud

  • Use QGIS (or ArcMap via sync)
  • Purchase Esri ArcGIS Enterprise or an ELA

Workforce Management App & Dashboard

  • Custom or Third Party Solution
  • Purchase Esri ArcGIS Enterprise or an ELA

Integrated Field Data Editing Solution

  • Custom Editing App
  • Use GIS Cloud
  • Use ArcGIS Online (via sync)
  • QGIS or QField
  • Purchase Esri ArcGIS Enterprise or an ELA


Starting Point: Edit Locally & Cloud Hosting

  • Edit data locally then push edits to an internally managed cloud infrastructure for public consumption
  • Field collection using AGOL Collector
    • Other options
      • QGIS or QField
      • GIS Cloud
      • Develop a custom field editing web application

Additional Cost Estimate

$0 + Field Editing Solution


  • Full control over Web Applications

  • Unlimited Private Viewers

  • Unlimited Field Editors with Custom App

  • Potential Cost Savings 

  • Co-Exist with Esri Solutions

  • Good Starting Point


  • No direct GIS Database Editing with ArcMap (push and pull edits)

  • No direct GIS Database Editing with ArcGIS Collector (field app)

ArcGIS Online Collector & More


Collector - Mobile Field Editing App

Workforce - Work Order Management

Survey123 - Form-based field data collection

Currently we have 3 licenses, more at $350/yr

Additional Cost Estimate

$1,050+ (3 Editors for Field Collection)*

*Additional $$ might be needed for ortho image hosting & basemap hosting


  • One-to-many relationships

  • Survey/Form Builder

  • Cross-Platform

  • Simple App and Configuration

  • Add Photos or File Attachments


  • No Direct Editing to the cloud-based GIS Database without ArcGIS Enterprise

  • All users need a license for "private" data, even viewers

Vendor Solution
ArcGIS Enterprise

Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Standard License & Maintenance

  • A New, Dedicated Server for the “Base Deployment”
  • Direct Editing in ArcMap Desktop & Collector Mobile App
  • 8 Field Editor Licenses, more at $350/editor
  • Unlimited Internal Viewer Licenses for Private Data

Additional Cost Estimate

$18,000 YR1 | $7,000 YRS 2+

GIS Database

Web Server

Esri GIS Server

ArcMap, Collector & Workforce


ArcGIS Online

QField or Custom Mobile App


  • All GIS data stored in one place

  • Seamless Editing with ArcMap

  • Versioned Editing

  • Interface with other services that require ArcGIS Server

  • Out-of-the box web applications

  • Utility Network Analyst (Paid add on)


  • Cost

  • Extremely complex server setup and deployment

  • Being dependent on a ‘black box’ GIS solution

All-In on Esri

Esri ELA

Esri ArcGIS Enterprise License Agreement

  • A New, Dedicated Server for the “Base Deployment”
  • Direct Editing in ArcMap Desktop & Collector Mobile App
  • 50-100 Field Editor Licenses, more at $350/editor
  • Workforce
  • Unlimited Viewer Licenses
  • Unlimited Desktop GIS Installations



Additional Cost Estimate


Additional ELA Details

Newark & Lancaster both have an ELA

One-Click Web Applications & Dashboards - "Sites"

Additional ArcGIS Desktop "Extensions"

Insights for ArcGIS - Statistical Exploratory Data Analysis

Workforce Integration with the 50-100 Field Editors

Number of Tickets to the Esri Party in San Diego - 3




Biggest Drawbacks

Putting all our 🥚in One 🗑️

Investing in a Legacy Software Company

Cost $$$


Esri's Focus is on Large Enterprise Customers

New GIS Solutions have a Wider Audience

searches for arcgis server

arcgis enterprise

searches for mapbox

searches for Leaflet

Adoption of Custom GIS Applications

ArcGIS Workgroup

Server Only

Limited Enterprise Environment

  • A New, Dedicated Server for the “Base Deployment”
  • Direct Editing in ArcMap Desktop & Collector Mobile App
  • Limited to 10 Simultaneous Users
  • SQL Express Database
  • Hard to come up with this scenario



Additional Cost Estimate

$4,000 + $1,300/YR


GIS Cloud

Direct cloud-based GIS Database Field Editing App for iOS & Android

Additional Cost Estimate


8 Field Editor Licenses,  more at $240/editor


  • Jump-start Field Collection

  • Vendor-backed Field Editing Solution

  • Survey/Form Builder

  • Hands-On Support

  • Cost savings vs Third Party App Development


  • No Workforce Solution

  • Limited Market Adoption 

  • One-to-many relationships not built-in 

GIS Upgrade Options

By Malcolm Meyer

GIS Upgrade Options

CIty of Zanesville

  • 722