Put away the apricot scrubs and shelve the loofah – that’s no way to treat a delicate flower like the penis! Penile skin is delicate and is often compared to the skin that takes up residence around the eyes so it’s important to care for it in a similar fashion. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean laying a ton of sliced cucumber on the love cucumber (it wouldn’t be a bad thing), but it does mean that a certain amount of TLC needs to be top of mind when grooming the manly member. Uncovering healthy, strong skin on the penis happens at both the dining table and the shower.  

Put away the apricot scrubs and shelve the loofah – that’s no way to treat a delicate flower like the penis! Penile skin is delicate and is often compared to the skin that takes up residence around the eyes so it’s important to care for it in a similar fashion. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean laying a ton of sliced cucumber on the love cucumber (it wouldn’t be a bad thing), but it does mean that a certain amount of TLC needs to be top of mind when grooming the manly member. Uncovering healthy, strong skin on the penis happens at both the dining table and the shower.

Exfoliating the Penis: How to Get a Smooth Member the Right Way

By John Dugan

Exfoliating the Penis: How to Get a Smooth Member the Right Way

Just imagining the process of exfoliating the penis can make a man cringe in horror. Let’s talk about the proper way to get and keep a smooth penis that has nothing to do with sandpapery masks or scrubs that go bump in the night.

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