While tattoos, in general, can be daunting, penis tattoos seem to be a sign of a He-Man with unbelievable pain tolerance. However, these hidden works of art are growing in popularity as more men embrace what a penis tattoo can do for them. There are also more artists willing to tattoo a man’s penis to help him show off his unique personality. Let’s examine penis tattoos, from the why to the how, pay careful attention to the risks and how to care for it after. 

Why do men get penis tattoos?


There are several reasons a man might opt to decorate his li’l fella. Here are a few some guys shared:


1) Making the moment memorable. If a guy’s penis says “Hubba Hubba” on it or has a picture of a banana on it, it’s going to be hard to forget.

2) It shows body confidence. If a man gets a tattoo on his penis, he’s obviously okay with showing off his stuff. It says he’s proud of what he’s got and how he uses it.


3) It gets a reaction. When a man strips down and his partner sees an elephant tattoo complete with “trunk,” there’s nothing to do but notice it. If there’s any ice to break, consider it broken!


4) Aesthetics. If a guy doesn’t love the way his penis curves or feels a little less impressive than other members he’s seen in the locker room, a penis tattoo can pretty up his favorite friend. Of course, some men are perfectly happy with their penises and just want to “throw a little tinsel on the tree.”

How to get a penis tattoo and what to expect


First and foremost, find a good tattoo artist with significant experience in giving penis tattoos. Do not drink or do drugs prior to making the appointment and show up with a clean member. Realize that this artist will be touching, holding, twisting, and manipulating the penis for a prolonged period of time – be sure that’s okay. Most men will need to be “mostly soft” during the tattooing so if a man is concerned about being hard the whole time, potentially rethink the tat or the artist. Finally, this is going to hurt like any other tattoo, so be prepared. Some people like to take a few over-the-counter pain relievers prior to tattooing.

Potential risks of penis tattoos


It’s not fun and games when a man gets a tattoo on his penis, there are also several risks to heed. Here are a few potential outcomes any man considering a penis tattoo should be sure he’s educated on:


1) Permanent Erection. Okay, okay. It sounds awesome to have a permanent erection but in real life, it’s not. Think about Grandma Betty’s 89th Birthday Party, does any man want to greet the family with an overanxious member? No, one wants that.

2) Infection. The best way to prevent infection is to confirm the tattoo artist's area is hygienic and they only use 100% sterile needles. Then closely follow all after-care instructions the artist gives. Follow them to the letter.


3) Scarring and Loss of Sensitivity. Penile skin is thin and very delicate, and as such, makes it very sensitive. By introducing hundreds of miniature needle pricks to the skin, scarring can develop. Scarring can lead to loss of sensitivity in the penis. If a man already has sensitivity issues, he may want to rethink a penis tattoo.

Caring for a penis tattoo


Tattoos require special care so be sure to follow the tattoo artist’s advice to the letter! After a few hours, very (very!) gently wash the penis with warm water and a diluted gentle cleanser like baby shampoo. Rinse well and then gently pat dry with a soft towel.

After cleansing the skin, apply a thin layer of specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Use a crème with an all-natural base like Shea Butter and vitamin E. Also, try to find a crème that contains additional nutrients and vitamins to promote healing and soothe the skin. This type of crème will prevent drying (which can cause itchiness) and keep the penis skin supple as it heals.

Penis Tattoos: Everything a Man Needs to Know

By John Dugan

Penis Tattoos: Everything a Man Needs to Know

A needling piercing skin over and over doesn’t really sound like a good time, but many people have tattoos. What’s not as commonplace is penis tattoos; however, they aren't a new thing. Here's everything a man needs to know about getting a tattoo on his penis.

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