Some penis bumps are dangerous. Cysts that appear in response to a herpes infection can infect other people, for example, while lumps that arise due to certain strains of the human papilloma virus can cause cancerous changes in some men. So it's not surprising that all guys respond with panic when they see a penis bump pop up on their tools. It's also not too shocking that men often look for penis care solutions for any kind of swelling that takes hold below. But there's one type of lump that might not need special care. It's known as a lymphocele, and while it can be unsightly, it's usually not serious. 

What the Heck is a Lymphocele?


A "lymphocele" is a fancy word that means a lump full of lymph. This lymph is part of the body's immune system. It courses through almost every single cell in the body, delivering vital elements while whisking waste products away. Typically, it passes through specific channels quite easily, so people don't even know it’s there. 

But sometimes, those little channels can get blocked. Typically, lymph channels in the penis become clogged when men do something vigorous to their tissues. Rough masturbation could cause this, as could long and intense sex sessions with a partner. Anytime the cells are put to the test for long periods of time, the lymph channels can get blocked.


When they do, the lymph fluid is trapped in a little bubble and has nowhere to go. This can lead to bumps that can feel hard, like a little marble, or they can feel soft and squishy; but they rarely cause pain, and they are not at all dangerous.

Dealing with this Penis Bump


Since lymphoceles arise due to tissue trauma, it's understandable that lumpy men would need to give things a break when they're trying to heal up. That means men should avoid:


  • Sex with partners
  • Masturbation
  • Erotic movies and magazines
  • Lap dances 


Sometimes, it takes weeks for the bumps to go away, and that can seem like a long time to wait. But as a man rests, his body can work to unclog those blocked channels, allowing the lymph fluid to flow freely again. In extreme cases, the body can even reabsorb that lymph without opening the channel at all. That means the bumps could be gone for good, as long as a man is patient. 

What to Do When New Bumps Appear


Men who have had these lymphoceles before might get them again if they engage in the same types of rough activity. But if a new lump pops up, there are things men can do right away in order to reduce the risk of long-term damage.


Pushing on the bump, using mild but steady pressure, could help the lymph to flow back through the blockage, and that could make the swelling go down quite quickly. It might not work for all men, but it may be helpful to some who are lucky enough to spot a lump as soon as it's formed. 

But those who don't want to ever deal with a lymphocele again must be certain to avoid engaging in activities that can harm the delicate tissues of the penis. Skin down there is very sensitive and it's easy to damage, so men must be cautious when they're putting their bodies to work.


A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also be useful. Quality products contain ingredients that maintain soft skin along with plenty of vitamins that can penetrate the skin and provide those tissues with the nutrients they need in order to stay healthy and bump-free for a lifetime. 




Title Text

The Penis Bump That Sounds Serious but Isn’t –Understanding Lymphoceles

By John Dugan

The Penis Bump That Sounds Serious but Isn’t –Understanding Lymphoceles

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