Lots of people are taking advantage of all this extra time at home to start new workout plans and improve their health. Why not consider giving a little of that extra time to someone who is probably feeling a little less buff than usual? Yes, your penis. Now is a great time to pump your penis up with a little stretching and exercise to prepare for all that summer loving that (hopefully) will start to open up again soon. Here’s your primer on getting your willy in shape for a smokin’ summer.

Lots of people are taking advantage of all this extra time at home to start new workout plans and improve their health. Why not consider giving a little of that extra time to someone who is probably feeling a little less buff than usual? Yes, your penis. Now is a great time to pump your penis up with a little stretching and exercise to prepare for all that summer loving that (hopefully) will start to open up again soon. Here’s your primer on getting your willy in shape for a smokin’ summer.

Three Penis Exercises to Pump Up Penile Health and Your Sex Life

By John Dugan

Three Penis Exercises to Pump Up Penile Health and Your Sex Life

Want to pump that penis up? Add a little power to your penile health with some daily exercises for your favorite muscle.

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