Penile atrophy—it’s one of those medical terms that just sounds not good. No one wants their muscles to atrophy, especially not their love muscle. But like spinach and sunscreen, it’s something a man needs to know about and try to prevent if possible. Penile atrophy, also known as penis shrinkage, is when the size of the penis seems to have shrunk or has shrunk due to a loss of penile tissue. For many men, it is a reversible condition, or can at least be meaningfully helped. Let’s talk about what causes penile atrophy, what a man can do to remedy temporary shrinkage, and how to prevent it in the future.

Penile atrophy—it’s one of those medical terms that just sounds not good. No one wants their muscles to atrophy, especially not their love muscle. But like spinach and sunscreen, it’s something a man needs to know about and try to prevent if possible. Penile atrophy, also known as penis shrinkage, is when the size of the penis seems to have shrunk or has shrunk due to a loss of penile tissue. For many men, it is a reversible condition, or can at least be meaningfully helped. Let’s talk about what causes penile atrophy, what a man can do to remedy temporary shrinkage, and how to prevent it in the future.

What’s the Deal with Penis Shrinkage? Here’s Everything a Man Needs to Know About Penile Atrophy

By John Dugan

What’s the Deal with Penis Shrinkage? Here’s Everything a Man Needs to Know About Penile Atrophy

Penis shrinkage is not just a temporary condition cause by cold weather or water. It can also be a more serious condition known as penile atrophy. Here’s everything a man should know about it to protect himself or fix the issue at hand.

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