"programmer, emacs aficionado, linux addict, activist"
...STUPID content tracker
Version control systems
-manage multiple versions of documents, programs, web sites, etc.
-Valuable for team projects as well as individual projects
Why version control?
Why version control?(contd..)
-setting track of where we are heading
-easily manage and manipulate huge chunks of data
-optimize or restore to previous version if necessary
Why GIT?
-better workflow
Download and Install GIT
sudo apt-get install git-all
sudo yum install git-all
sudo pacman -S git-all
emerge --ask --verbose dev-vcs/git
Introduce yourself to GIT
git config --global user.name "Mohit Void"
git config --global user.email null@void.com
-Open a Terminal/Prompt
-Make a new folder inside the Users dir (mkdir test)
-cd into the folder(cd test)
- Type "git init" in the terminal/prompt
-This creates a hidden repository(folder) named .git
- Create a new (.txt) file and input some text
- Type "git add ."
-The period means "this directory"
-This adds all files/folders to the repository
- Type git commit –m "VOID commit"
-Comment the task you completed
Clone a repository from elsewhere
- Type "git clone URL" or "git clone URL mypath"
-This make an exact copy of the repository
- eg: git clone git://github.com/voidestperson/file.git
The repository
- The directory contains everything about your project
- Any new changes "COMMIT it"
init and the .git repository
- When "git init" was executed, you created a repository
- Subdirectory named .git contains every files to make a normal folder into a repository
- The dot indicates a “hidden” directory
- You don't want to mess with that directory
Making commits
- Until you commit the changes, the changes are not saved
- Committing makes a “snapshot” of everything being tracked into your repository
-git commit –m “bug fixed”/ git commit
- Commit must contain summary of latest development
Working with others
- Type "git pull remote_repository"
-Get updates from a remote repository and merge them into your own repository
- Type "git status"
-Track your changes(use it often)
- Remember to add new files using "git add ."
- Type "git commit –m “What did you contribute?”
- git push -u origin master
Working with others(GUI)
-Create a text file and contribute your 'name', 'phone no', 'semester' and 'email' into my repository
Thank You
By Manish Marahatta
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