


"programmer, emacs aficionado, linux addict, activist"

...website building

How Sharing information
in the modern era works?

Answer: Websites

How do we make sure that
our websites are:

-available 24/7 (even with heavy traffic)

-easy to create, edit, and maintain!

How did we work!
last decade?

-Dynamically generated pages in CMS

-Maintain our own servers and
databases !


(with Markdown)

2. Dynamic → Static

(with Jekyll)

3. Servers → Hosted

(with GitHub)

What is Jekyll?

-static site generator
-converts source files (markdown) into a website

Why use Jekyll

  • SAFE from Denial of Service Attacks.
  • SAFE from caving under heavy traffic (if served from GitHub pages or a CDN like cloudfront)
  • SAFE from MySQL injection attacks (because it doesn't use a database).
  • It needs NO security patches or updates.
  • It doesn't need any special server script software (like php,python or ruby or perl etc).

Who uses Jekyll ?

-Obama used JEKYLL for Fundraising Campaign site in 2012.

-GitHub is running Jekyll.

-Many bloggers migrating from wordpress

-Writers/ Journalists


Installing Jekyll

-Open Prompt/Terminal and type "gem install jekyll bundler"

-now type "jekyll new my-site"

-now cd into your site directory

-now type "jekyll serve"


Now the jekyll server is running on localhost:4000



Hosting your Website


Thank You



By Manish Marahatta