Some question Puratan Saroop's authenticity claims: Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa

Recently, a gold-coated Saroop that was claimed by the SGPC as having been written by Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji was scanned and uploaded to the Internet. In the past, no one has publicly challenged the SGPC 's claim, however, after the Saroop was made available to the public, various questions arose that cast doubt on the SGPC's claim. Our investigation into the issues raised in relation to the allegation revealed serious conclusions.

The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) was established in 1920, a Sikh organization to manage all Sikh shrines and Gurdwaras in Punjab, including Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar. The SGPC is also responsible for keeping and preserving historical weapons, clothing, scriptures, literature, writings, and memorials, and preaching the Sikh faith.

We interviewed an SGPC Granthi employee who asked SinghStation to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals from the SGPC. According to Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa said that he told us, " This Saroop is not written by Baba Deep Singh Ji, but it is what the SGPC is telling the public to make money."With a heavy heart, he said," This Saroop has so many mistakes and inconsistencies.

This does not even match the other Saroops or writings allegedly written by Baba Deep Singh Ji. To claim that this Saroop is written by Baba Deep Singh Ji is a serious insult to Baba Ji. The Saroop is not even written by a single writer. This is evident from the different handwriting styles of the Saroop.

All the Sikh gurus and all the Sikhs who followed, until the middle of the twentieth century, wrote Gurbani in "Larivaar", uninterrupted continuous writing. Even non-Gurbani texts and literature in Gurmukhi were written in Larivaar format.

Therefore, it was shocking to see that the Saroop claiming to be written by Baba Deep Singh Ji broke words, known as ` Pad Chhed " and in addition, a hyphen (-) was used, which is unknown in Gurbani's historical writing.

Regarding the fact that Sikhs around the world are now available online, he said: “I am glad and hopeful that awake Sikhs can highlight the shortcomings of the SGPC claim when researching this Saroop.

This Saroop is a handwritten copy of the modern SGPC printed Saroop. SGPC did not strive to print Saroops correctly and participate in the hard research of Gurmukhs. Instead, since I've been printing Saroop to date, there's a slight discrepancy between Saroop.”

When asked who wrote this Saroop, we said, “I don't know. But what is beyond the record can be said that the SGPC was infiltrated to the highest level by anti-Sikh institutions. Non-Sikhs were employed to produce handwritten copies of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and make Saroop look historic and ancient.

They can't remove or add Shabads, so they're making careful changes to remove 'unkars'and 'siharis'(grammatical symbols)that most people don't choose. This is to allow them to confuse Gursikhs reading Gurbani with regard to what they consider historical Saroop in the future.”

When asked if there were any other activities of SGPC related to historical Sarup or claims of authenticity of writings, we said, “Yes. I will share one thing with you. A few years ago, SGPC toured Punjab with a procession. They publicly exhibited Baba Deep Singh Ji's Shastras and Pothi Sahibs.

No one read it, took it in his hand and showed it to the public, and said that this Pothi Sahib or Gutka Sahib was written by Baba Deep Singh Ji."He said," As SGPC Granthi, I got the opportunity to access Pothi Sahibs and Gutka Sahibs. When I read them I was shocked that they seem ancient, not historical, but modern handwritten Gutka Sahibs.

"When asked why he thought SGPC did this, he replied,” No wonder it makes Sangat stupid and makes money." We investigated the Saroop, which Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh claims to have authored. The site was uploaded to the same website as Saroop, which claimed to be written by Baba Deep Singh Ji.

The Saroop, which claims to have been written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji, is a combined Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Dasam Granth. This is not common practice. Several mistakes were discovered at a glance in Saroop, raising serious questions about the claims made.

In Mool Mantar at the beginning of Siree Raag, 'Satnam'is missing 'unkar'at the end and the author forgot to write 'Gur'in 'Gurprasaad'. And in Jaap Sahib, the author says that if the interval between 'Ik'and 'Ounkar'is 1.5 centimeters, then 'Ik Ounkar' should be connected according to the Larivar (continuous gapless writing) tradition of Gurus.

The opening of Jaap Sahib is completely different from the reading of the historical Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, Pothi Sahib or Jaap Sahib accepted throughout the Panth. SGPC and modern scholars have profited by propagating false claims that Saroops are historical or erroneous claims of the author.

Such actions are harmful in causing confusion and undermining the value of truly true Saroop and manuscripts written by historical Sikh religious preserved by Sikh Gurus and Panth.

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Some question Puratan Saroop's authenticity claims: Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa

By Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa

Some question Puratan Saroop's authenticity claims: Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa

According to Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa said that he told us, " This Saroop is not written by Baba Deep Singh Ji, but it is what the SGPC is telling the public to make money.

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