OG name was Retrofitting Suburbia

Rethinking the Retail Strip

This Report

Launched in January 2022

ESRI Storymap

Parcel-level dataset / analysis

JavaScript Interactive Map

Collaboration w/ LandUse 

Launch event / speakers

Tableau visualizations

Narrative vignette

Realted presentations & project back to 2018

Capacity & suitability data work Spring 2020

Final push several weeks in Dec and Jan

Dripped into reserved to do Retrospective

Funding from many pools, including Barr/MetroCommonAll sorts 

Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.

-Norm Kerth, Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Review

Variety of project retrospective options to choose from

Chris Kuschel

Jessie Partridge Guerrero

Tim Reardon

Caitlin Spence 

Kimberly Nguyen

Ryan Kelly

Many folks involved over project lifecycle

Chose format geared for 6-8 participants 

Retrospective Process Chosen

Something the team is doing well and whose value you acknowledge.


Keep Doing

Already being done; you see some value, but would rather cut down a little bit.


Less Of

Already being done which you believe will bring more value if done even more.


More Of

5 min to create

10 min together

5 min to create

10 min together

5 min to create

10 min together



Tagged feedback into a number of groups

  • Keep improving and refining our collaboration in tools /documents?
  • Incorporate the iteration that was successful in get us to this end product?
  • Improve on our iterative process?
  • Make our next event and media as successful?
  • Find more case studies and examples that highlight work and drive engagement?
  • Build on the features identify here in next product?
  • Clarify decision making in future projects?
  • Assign decision making power in future project?
  • Leverage tools in decision making process?
  • Have less editing tools and streamline process?
  • Allocated budget differently as to not go as over?
  • Feedback from different teams or groups be added to process?

Takeaways / How Might We...

We have

options in how to run a retrospective 



That action step would've been next

To clarify and document some tasks

  • Test a new decision making methods
  • Clarify w/ ESRI storymap feedback process
  • Clarify ESRI feedback process

First thought Google's

No account needed

Free and often used at MAPC


Limited in sticky note characters

Limited in canvas size, anticipated a lot of stickies

Many Templates Out There

Thank You!


Retrospective Report Out


Retrospective Report Out

  • 430