Maritime Piracy
A closer look at a sophisticated issue
What is Piracy?
- Hijacking/detention of a ship
- Typically an act of robbery or violence
- Occurs globally
- Has seen a resurgence in the last 15 years
Why does piracy occur?
- Weak/nonexistent governments are unable to combat it
- Regional stability is poor
- High amounts of commerce circulate through the area
- Undefended container ships and fishing vessels are easy targets
What are the goals of pirates?
- Often kidnap crew of targeted ships for ransom
- Steal cargo or entire vessels
- Make $30,000 to $75,000 per hijacking
- Money is put towards personal use and future attacks
What are the costs of piracy?
- Costs billions of dollars annually
- Forces companies off shore
- Destabilizes developing regions
- Environmental contamination
How is piracy being combated?
- Naval presence by several countries
- Private security contractors
- Anti-piracy countermeasures aboard ships
how effective are these methods?
"The solution to piracy lies in the very nature of piracy itself. The Roman lawmaker Cicero defined piracy as a crime against civilization itself, which English jurist Edward Coke famously rephrased as “hostis humani generis” — enemies of the human race. As such, they were enemies not of one state but of all states, and correspondingly all states shared in the burden of capturing them."
- DOUGLAS R. BURGESS Jr, New York Times
Maritime Piracy
By marckoulouras
Maritime Piracy
Reasonably important
- 413