How to Go From Intern to Executive of the Same Company

Presented by Marco Vienna and

Why in the world should we listen to this guy?

Phase I: Finding Your Passion

Phase II: Getting the Job

Phase III: Taking Ownership

Phase IV: Evaluation


Phase I: Finding Your Passion

Keep Saying Yes, Until You Have to Say No

Actually Create Something

Philosophy club --> entrepreneurial meetups -->

coding school --> Startup Summer --> Sprout -->

Liftoff Speaker Series --> stock market meetups -->

Lucid Investments --> KICKFURTHER

Build Deep Relationships, but Choose Wisely...

You ARE your 5 closest friends

You discover the most about yourself by talking to people

Phase II: Getting the Job


Making it fun, come prepared, warm is good

Follow the Fuck Up

80%+ of my meetings and sales were not made on initial contact

Be Interesting being interested

Founder Fallacy

Take Rejection with Poise

Phase III: Taking Ownership

Outwork everyone, even the CEO, and people may even start to think you are the CEO

Do everything the company doesn't know how to do and learn by doing


Because shit will hit the fan. War stories:


Ending up in the hospital


A $750K Bill


Firing 8 people on Valentine's Day

Embrace Scrappiness

It Ain't Gonna Come Easy...

Adopt a Good Attitude

You GET to do it

People Will Resent You if You Always Try to be Right

Be Honest

Seems simple but...

Have the Ability to Ask for Something

A raise, time off, to fire someone - nothing is handed to you

Keep Promises

If you set a deadline, have a meeting, etc - be there. The $10/min rule.

Be Resilient

One week rule

Phase IV: Evaluation

Nurturing versus Closing the Door

Do you REALLY want to do be a doctor?

Life is Order v. Chaos

Hierarchy of Needs: Intention is Key






Professional Landscape

By Marco Vienna

Professional Landscape

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