
Making all the things their own thing


  1. First attempt
  2. Second attempt
  3. Keeping modules private
  4. Putting this to use

Idea One

Make everything its out repo and connect dependencies

Job-Queue Deps

  1. offload: the brain of job-queue
  2. env-settings
  3. name-badge-pdf-job
  4. team-account-type
  5. vm-multi-room-pdf-job
  6. vm-png-floor-job
  7. vm-email-pdf-job
    1. vm-multi-room-pdf-job

Offload Setup

  • index.js
  • package.json
  • test/
  • test/tests.js


  • package.json
  • index.js
  • test/
  • test/?


  • Updating package.json
  • Finding bugs because you can't test


Make testable, reused components their own repo

Job Queue Deps

  • offload
  • env-settings

Job-Queue Jobs

Are only used in job queue so lets keep them in job queue

Isn't Offload Only for Job-queue?

Why make it its own repo?

How to keep private repos private?

Example Package.json


So? What are we doing with this?

Lets Break each app into its own repo

Api is a repo

App-dot is a repo

FPC is a repo

On-site is already its own repo

So many repos!

But wait, what about st_modules

If a module is used in two apps
make it its own repo

Right tests for it

Write a full readme

Anyone should be able to open the readme and use the module without looking at the code


By Matthew Chase Whittemore