axiom 1: tests are vital to every software project

Axiom 1.1: every component in a software project should be described by tests

Disclaimer #1

class Adder {
    fun add(op1: Int, op2: Int) {
        return op1 + op2

however, in the real world...

  • Database connections
  • HTTP connections
  • External services
  • Third party library dependencies
  • Non-trivial component interactions
  • Side effects
class BusinessLogicService(
    private val persistenceService: MyPersistenceService
) {
    fun doSomethingRelevant(objectId: Long, someValue: Int) {
        val myObject = persistenceService.retrieveObject(objectId)
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("$objectId not found")
        myObject.someProperty = someValue
  • You may not have a place to persists objects to
  • Making sure objects are stored and retrieved correctly is outside of the scope of this component

why is testing this component as a black box hard?

what exactly do we want to test here?

  • Error conditions:
    • Calling this method on a non-existing object should fail
  • The "happy path": this component updates the requested object with the requested value

problem statement

  • We need a way to drive the behavior of the persistence layer
  • We need a way to perform assertions on how our component interacts with the persistence layer

disclaimer #2

class BusinessLogicServiceTest {
    private lateinit var persistenceService : MyPersistenceService
    private lateinit var service : BusinessLogicService
    fun setup() {
        service = BusinessLogicService(persistenceService)
    fun `doing something with a non-existing object throws an exception`() {
        every {
        } returns null
        assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> {
            service.doSomethingRelevant(123L, 345)
fun `doing something with an existing object updates it and saves it`() {
    every {
    } returns MyClass()

    service.doSomethingRelevant(123L, 345)
    verify {

How do we test that the value being saved has actually been updated?

fun `doing something with an existing object updates it and saves it`() {
    every {
    } returns MyClass()

    service.doSomethingRelevant(123L, 345)
    verify {
        persistenceService.saveObject(match {
            it.someProperty == 345

Some glossary 

  • Strict mocking vs. non-strict (or relaxed) mocking
  • Mocks vs. Stubs vs. Spies
  • Argument matching

why exactly is this so powerful?

we can test interactions, i.e. contracts between components

we can test logic that interacts with stuff that may not be available in a CI environment

mocking dependencies can help expose bad design

It helps obtain command-query separation

how does this apply to my project?

How to test complex software with mocks?

By Mattia Tommasone

How to test complex software with mocks?

  • 172