Defining success beyond
the battlefield

1. Widen the operation
"The military needs to expand its operation beyond the tribal belt to eliminate the tentacles of terrorism across the country to ensure it’s not half-baked this time around... [Read more]
Owais Tohid
Senior Journalist/Writer
"Zarb-i-Azb serves as a symbolic and psychological blow to jihadis however, there are challenges for its long-term success. As a state, we still lack a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy. There is no clarity of thought over Islamist militancy... [Read more]
Hasan Abdullah
War Correspondent for Dawn

3. Solve the IDP crisis
"Success will depend not merely on military operation
results but on how we deal with the IDPs and their safe return. At the end of
the day, it is a war for hearts and minds... [Read more]
Shireen Mazari
MNA, PTI Secretary Information

4. Stop the empty rhetoric
may appear to be a turning point, but I fear it’s simply more of the same. Lots
of tough talk, but not much change on the ground. Militancy will continue to
spread, and the country will suffer... [Read more]
Michael Kugelman
Journalist, Associate Fellow at Wilson Centre

5. Define goals, timelines
"The goals of the operation are not
clear. What's also not clear are the timelines of the operation. Commanders on
the ground say things are murky... [Read more]
Wajahat S. Khan
Pakistan Correspondent for NBC News

"The much needed clearing of North Waziristan and establishing the state's writ is several years too late – unfortunately, it is still bogged down with the ‘Good, Bad Taliban’ policy... [Read more]
Bushra Gohar
ANP Senior Vice President

7. Tackle local resistance
"With territory gone, command structure demolished and leadership killed or on the run, the last bastion has practically fallen. Now the Army only has to mop up localised resistance and de-bomb the area... [Read more]
Talat Hussain
Anchor and foreign policy commentator
8. Transfer power to civvies
successful the operation will be in terms of establishing the state's writ
will depend on how effectively and how soon the area can be
transferred to civilian authorities within the existing administrative
arrangements that govern FATA... [Read more]
Ejaz Haider
Senior Journalist/Analyst

9. Target the commanders
"The problem is the 'commanders' of the terrorists who are said to have
escaped into Afghanistan. The Afghan and ISAF forces must be co-opted in the
fight to block and hit them on the other side... [Read more]
Kamran Shafi
Retired army officer and columnist

government should restore and maintain its writ in conflict areas after the
operation. It’s important for the government to defeat the mindset which
creates such militants across Pakistan... [Read more]
Qamar Zaman Kaira
PPP Secretary Information

11. Catch em' all, or...
success means clearing the area, that will be achieved. However, with majority
of them escaping, the operation has already failed in my opinion... [Read more]
Taha Siddiqui
Investigative Journalist

Zarb-i-Azb: Defining Success Beyond the Battlefield
By mbari
Zarb-i-Azb: Defining Success Beyond the Battlefield
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