The powerful Routing Engine API

(use arrow keys to navigate this deck)


  • Single-route optimization
  • Fleet optimization
  • Pickups and Deliveries
  • Truck capacities
  • Load demands
  • Time-window constraints
  • Loading times
  • Speed

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More Features

  • Travel speed
  • Single or Multi-depot
  • Heterogenous fleet support
  • Custom Distance Matrix
  • Asymmetric Distance Matrix
  • Static and Dynamic routing

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Google Maps

  • Leverages Google Maps 
  • Accurate geocoding
  • Generate Distance Matrix from addresses
  • Accurate travel times from Google Maps
  • Visual display of the optimal routes


Easy to use


    To generate routes for  100 locations
    with a fleet of  25 trucks
    it takes about  seconds

    (press down for algorithm details)

    The Algorithm

    Great routes in seconds

    Even more optimized in minutes 

    Perfect for fast-paced environments!

    You may run the algorithm for as long as you want.

    Tabu Search

    Tabu Search is considered as the best class of algorithms to the Vehicle Routing Problem [1]

    It supports both Dynamic real-time dispatching and

    Large-scale static routing of master routes

    Details on the algorithm and its performance

    can be found in this paper

    [1] Cordeau, J.-F., G. Laporte. 2005. Tabu search heuristics for the vehicle routing problem. C. Rego, B. Alidaee, eds., Metaheuristic Optimization Via Memory and Evolution. Kluwer, Norwell, MA, 145–163.


    Easy to use


    • Orders
    • Fleet
    • Constraints


    • Optimized routes
    • Projected schedule
    • Run + route statistics

    Easy to integrate

    Routific's Engine API is a RESTful API

    • Hosted on the cloud
    • Interfaced using JSON

    Easy to integrate in any development environment


    Includes full tech-support and maintenance

    • Free 1-month trial
    • $29 USD per month per vehicle
    • $800 USD per month for up to 80 vehicles
    • Please contact us for more

    If you prefer self-hosting

    Flat-rate at $3,000 USD a year per user

    The powerful Routing Engine API

    For questions, feel free to contact us:


    By mck-


    • 1,318