About Me

Md. Shahbaz Alam

Full Stack Developer

Tech Speaker

Auth0 Ambassador

Mozilla Reps Mentor

GDG Ranchi Organizer




What is GDG?


GDGs are local groups of developers who are specifically interested in Google products and APIs.


Each local group is called a GDG chapter and can host a variety of technical activities for developers - from just a few people getting together to watch our latest videos, to large gatherings with demos and tech talks, to hackathons.

GDG Ranchi

GDG Ranchi is a group of developers that foster learning of Google’s developer technologies.

GDG Ranchi-Meetup Page



@gdgrnc @flutterio

@gdg @mdsbzalam



Study Jam

Thank you



Flutter Study Jam

By Mohammad Shahbaz Alam

Flutter Study Jam

  • 836