Personal Branding

for Students


Why and

How of

A Bit About Me

I am Megha Pathak, remote contributor of Mozilla Punjab.

A Personal Branding Explorer - amalgamating observations, analysis and insights put into Content for helping students in building and rocking their Personal Brands.

What is Personal Branding?

When students build their unique brands, they're not only marketing their skills, achievements and strengths, but also their personality, value, and passions.

How's that possible?

Let's see...

A Brand is not a Logo

A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of  the audience.​​

I am not a product,

How I can be considered as a Brand?

Who you are?

What's your secret sauce that makes you different from others.

What value you are creating for others?

Personal Branding the process of finding your unique mark, building credibility and propagating the same to your audience. 

The Kitchen(The craft you learn/ What you know).

The Dinning(The Delivery/ How you share it).

Your Skill is not your Brand and Building a brand is not a skill. 

Building brand is a process.

Why we need Personal Branding?

Cut the competition noise off. Stand Out of the crowd.

Start-it-Up With LinkedIn

Build Credibility with your Visibility 

Feedback matter

Find and Build your Community

How to build your personal brand?


LinkedIn profile checkpoints:
  • Profile picture
  • Headline 
  • Career summary 


Explore what's going around and find what interests you.Stretch your mind.


On the Credibility 
you build with visibility. 


It's your dynamic portfolio.

Keep moving with new steps.


Help others and get helped. 



Career opportunities.


Will I get a job through LinkedIn?

No response

Pseudo Professionalism 

Content writing = Professional Writer

This was just a gist of what is personal branding, why you need your personal brand and how you can build it.


Building a personal brand is a never ending process...

Personal Branding for Students

By Megha Pathak

Personal Branding for Students

  • 149