Conference Overview
- Keynotes
- Concurrent Break Out Sessions
- Expo
Better Software Conference West
Break OUt Session 1
- Sell
- Clairvoyance
- Ambition
- Passion
- Specialization
- Imitation
- Derivation
- Leadership
- Stage Presence
Break Out session 2
- utest community exists
- App testing is really interesting because it's the first time that any software item has quantified quality from the user perspective (in the form of app scores)
- Users consistently have only regularly use 10 apps.
- Each App category has most important features, order varies (Satisfaction, Usability, Interoperability, Content, Pricing, Stability, Performance, Elegance, Security, Privacy).
- Free e-book for me = App Quality by Jason Arbon
Git Branching for Agile Teams
Dan Radigan, Atlassian*Men vs Female count: 16:2
(After Mr. Whittaker's talk, it was quiet and slow, not as much of a stage presence)
Why Git and Agile? - They are BFFs
At Atlassian, they release 1-2x a day
In a SaaS team: master branch with multiple dev branches:
Master always protects Master
*Basically, they are doing what are implementing
Break Out Session 3
- She basically did a little rundown of the Meyers Briggs assessment but she called them "Color energies" and had a matrix of red, blue, yellow, and green.
- Biggest takeaway = people typically takeaway only 7% of what you say from an interaction the rest is all non-verbal
Specification by Example: Stop Testing at the End
I left this chat early due to not introducing me to anything new or relevant for our team.
I have a copy of his PDF if anyone is interested.
Later, I ran into him in the elevator and he recognized me and wanted to know why I left early.
Tell him the truth or not hurt his feelings…?
After leaving Nate's chat, I jumped over here..only to find they were already wrapping up and the talk was more to present and promote their tool.
- Sales People
- Food
- Free Stuff
An Agile Throwdown: Munich takes on the columbus Agile Benchmark Study
Michael Mah, QSM Associates
Presented a study that was done to show the global phenomena of agile and its successes.
I have a PDF copy of the report.
Break out Session 4
From Good to Great: Combining Session and Thread Based Test Management
- Michael Albrecht
- Should I use SBTM or TBTM? = Why not use both?!
- AND include Models = Greatness ("xBTM")
- Free tool called SBTExecute
The Workflow of this QA process:
Risk Based Testing in Agile Projects
Break OUt Session 5
- Everything is Complex and testing is infinitive
- Remember to ask questions
- Using Mindmaps for test planning
- Recommended Test Idea Meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page and get testing plan signoff
- sync info about feature
- share test strategy
- gather new ideas and improvements
- review the integration maturity level and priority
- assign actions
Break Out Session 6
- Test Fests with Pair testing
- Pairs = qa + opps; qa + devs; dev + dev; qa +qa
- execute two context based exploratory charters
- Not the core intent of exploring - controls exploration
- Derails endgame from a defect discovery perspective
- Better for test idea generation - ET is not repeatable
Helping Others Take Ownership of Conflict Resolution
- Allow time for cooling off & reflection
- Engage curiosity and problem solving tendencies
- Maintain ownership
- Acknowledge PERCEPTIONS don’t always match INTENTIONS
- Create environment for effective communication
- What they did
- Effect/Reaction
- Why we Think they did it
- Why They did it
By Melinda Turner
- 161