Dr Melva Mitchell - Chiropractic Profession

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth tells us that Chiropractic has been a profession for more than 110 years. There are Chiropractic offices all over the world and, in many countries, Chiropractic is part of the social security or public health system of that country. This is the case in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Nordic countries.


The vast majority of cases that go to a Chiropractor are of back problems such as lumbago, sciatica, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, as well as herniated discs, protrusions, vertigo and dizziness. The interesting thing for the patient is that many other things are improving with Chiropractic.

Dr Melva Mitchell -Chiropractic does not treat the symptoms but normalizes the function of the nervous system through correcting disorders in the spine, that is why improvements are seen clinically with a wide range of diseases and syndromes.


Like what? Like asthma, rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, and depression. Also with spondylolisthesis, fibromilagia, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and sleep disorders. swollen prostate, infertility, some digestive problems, and some knee and foot pain. Allergies, tingling, panic attacks and lupus. Eneuresis, menstrual disorders and phobias. Constipation and ringing in the ear.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth: I have also experienced patients getting better from diabetes and in conjunction with their GP they may decrease insulin doses.

I had a case of a 35-year-old woman who after an accident was left with the aftermath that she lost her balance every time she laughed. It had been like this for 4 years, and in 3 sessions of Chiropractic it was removed forever.


Pathology is an effect. Chiropractic looks for dysfunction (what is cause).

Dr Melva Mitchell - Cause / Effect


This is the order of the links; Dysfunction- physiological changes- pathology / or disease- symptoms. Covering the symptoms (which are only warnings), is looking for more problems.


Chiropractic does not treat any disease, the improvement comes because the body recovers its correct FUNCTION.
This is really logical. The disease is Dysfunction. Health is Function.
The nervous system controls and coordinates every function of the body, so the Chiropractor's goal is for the nervous system to be free of any interference, and the Chiropractic adjustment takes care of this. (See Chiropractic for a more extensive explanation).

If you are sick or in pain or both, you have dysfunction. If you suffer from an autoimmune problem, you have a lot of dysfunction, so much so that your own tissue fights with itself. This is pretty much the definition of dysfunction. And you will never stop taking medication unless the dysfunction is corrected.


It is quite likely that Chiropractic can help you. You lose absolutely nothing in finding out. What awaits you is an improvement in your quality of life. If you let an attitude of nonchalance prevent you from finding out, then frankly you will always be sick. Call the consultation and we will tell you and explain it to you in detail and without obligation. The person who has to take the next step is you.

Psychological aspect of chronic disease. (or long-lasting)
Many people who have been ill for a long period of time go through an interesting psychological process that changes their way of being compared to how they were before the onset of the disease.
The part of the mind that contains our "identity" adopts the disease as part of its new identity, and the person begins to define and think of herself as "the sick one."


Over time, feeling this way becomes a habit, and it becomes difficult for the person to see other possibilities in their situation.
Interestingly, sometimes being sick, for the person, has a reward that manifests itself in several ways.

Some are:
    1. Family care.
    2. A justification for not being able to do, develop or undertake                something.
    3. Financial reward for leaving or for help.
    4. The care for a certain level of disability.

The suffering of family members and the high cost of being ill (due to loss of productivity) are not worth it. But people with chronic diseases sometimes prefer the usual and known, bad than improvement.


Melva Mitchell Fort Worth - Chiropractic can help a lot with chronic conditions. If you are the one who is suffering, you should recognize this psychological pattern and make up your mind, and do something to change it. What is being lost is a better life.

Dr Melva Mitchell - Chiropractic Profession

By Melva Mitchell Fort Worth - Melva Mitchell Gray Chiropractor

Dr Melva Mitchell - Chiropractic Profession

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth tells us that Chiropractic has been a profession for more than 110 years. There are Chiropractic offices all over the world and, in many countries, Chiropractic is part of the social security or public health system of that country. This is the case in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Nordic countries.

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