Melva Mitchell Fort Worth — How To Know When To See A Chiropractor

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth — Here are five signs to consider when making an appointment with a chiropractor.
Dr Melva Mitchell — Headaches
There are a multitude of reasons for headaches, such as malnutrition or dehydration.

However, a misalignment in the neck or spine could also cause a headache. If that’s the cause, a chiropractor can help ease the symptoms of a headache and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain by improving blood flow.

Limited range of motion
If you begin to notice that you are not as flexible as usual, it is a good idea to see a chiropractor. When you have less range of motion in your legs, arms, or neck, your body cannot function optimally. A realignment of your joints and bones will increase your range of motion and relieve any pain you may feel in them.

Sitting for long periods of time
Poor posture can be caused by sitting at a desk or leaning over a keyboard for long periods of time. Poor posture can put pressure on your shoulders, neck, and upper back and lead to serious problems. Unwanted pressure can cause the bones or discs to move and lead to the possibility of a slipped or herniated disc. By going to a chiropractor you can ensure that your spine is properly aligned and avoid major problems.

Dr Melva Mitchell -Muscle / joint pain
Although the reaction of many people to muscle and joint pain is to take an aspirin, the pain can often be due to problems with the alignment of the body. A chiropractor will use spinal manipulations to help relieve pain and make sure your body is working optimally. What these spinal adjustments do is increase nerve conductivity and blood flow to the muscles and joints.

The soles of your shoes
A reliable sign that your body is misaligned is uneven wear on the soles of your shoes. This often means that you need an adjustment because your body is out of alignment. Chiropractic manipulation to realign your spine can help correct the problem. It is important not to let the problem continue for a long time because it can become a chronic problem.

Dr Melva Mitchell — Whether you’ve had an accident or are just an active person looking to improve your overall health, chiropractors can be a practical resource for pain relief and keeping your body functioning at its optimum level.

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth — How To Know When To See A Chiropractor

By Melva Mitchell Fort Worth - Melva Mitchell Gray Chiropractor

Melva Mitchell Fort Worth — How To Know When To See A Chiropractor

However, a misalignment in the neck or spine could also cause a headache. If that’s the cause, a chiropractor can help ease the symptoms of a headache and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain by improving blood flow.

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