DDD/CQRS/ES with Akka - case study
Andrzej Dębski, Bartłomiej Szczepanik
- Who we are? Why we are here?
- CQRS/ES introduction
- Akka toolkit introduction
- Implementation overview
- Main challenge
- Thoughts, lessons learned
- Future work
who? why?
our initial background
- AGH I@IET students
Almost no previous Scala & Akka experience
Only theoretical knowledge about
distributed systems, DDD, NoSQL, scalability - Ready to dive into the topic
THESIS backgrounD
- PaaSage EU project
- Lufthansa Systems proposed the thesis
- Diversity of initial goals:
- PaaSage - industrial scalability use case
- Lufthansa - evaluate Scala/Akka stack
- Ours - learn a lot, try DDD/CQRS
- Pivoting several times
- Final thesis goal: CQRS/ES/DDD scalability evaluation
project timeline
11/2013 - Master thesis proposal
- 02/2014 - Started working on the prototype
09/2014 - Presentation for PaaSage technical board
- 11/2014 - Finished most important parts of the app
- now - Writing a paper and assembling the thesis
- now - Polishing, publishing the source code
today We would like to
- Demonstrate CQRS/ES concepts
Show that CQRS/ES scales up/out
- Discuss Distributed DDD (DDDD)
- Get an external feedback
- Share our thoughts and lessons learned
- Find people interested in using scalable CQRS/ES
Command-query responsibility segregation (CQRS)

CQRS advantages
- Different databases on read and write side
- Separation of different query use cases
- Database tailored to the use case
- Lower latency of queries
- Eventual consistency (?)
- Possible code duplication
- More components to maintain
- Uniqueness constraint problem
event sourcing

ES advantages
- Full event log for free
- Append-only is enough
- Enables to add more CQRS read models in the future
No object-relational impedance mismatch
- Event storming model maps 1:1 with ES
- Requires fine-grained model in order to be performant
Performance issues after some time (snapshots help)
- Upcasting needed when the event format changes
CQRS+ES available solutions
- Axon framework
- akka-persistence
- EventStore by Greg Young
- d60/Circus - very recent
Jdon framework - already dead
- Lokad.CQRS - already dead
- ncqrs - nearly dead
- A toolkit, not a framework
- Distributed by design
- Scala and Java API
- Message passing style
- Actor concurrency model
- Supervision hierarchy (let it crash)
- Location transparency
Actor model
- Active object flavour
- ActorRef , location transparency
- Message passing
- Mailbox - message queue
- Unit of concurrency
- Hundred thousands of instances
class MyActor(magicNumber: Int) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case x: Int => sender() ! (x + magicNumber)
val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "myactor2")
myActor ! 97
val futureResponse = (myActor ? 2).mapTo[Int]
akka routers
- Pools and groups
- Round robin routing
- Consistent hashing routing
- Broadcast routing
- Balancing routing
akka.actor.deployment {
/parent/router3 {
router = round-robin-group
routees.paths = ["/user/workers/w1", "/user/workers/w2", "/user/workers/w3"]
val router3: ActorRef = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(), "router3")
router3 ! Work()
akka modules
- Akka streams (Rx)
- Akka HTTP
- Akka clustering
- Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster
- Akka cluster sharding
- Akka persistence
akka persistence
- Persistence mechanism for actors
- Based on Command/Event Sourcing concept
- PersistentActor
- defines "persistenceId"
- persists messages/events bound to the id
- when created, all correlated messages are replayed
- Variety of journal plugins
- Views
- Snapshots
- No support for CQRS and upcasting
AKKA Persistence
class ExamplePersistentActor extends PersistentActor {
override def persistenceId = "sample-id-1"
var state = ExampleState()
def updateState(event: Evt): Unit = { state = state.updated(event) }
def numEvents = state.size
val receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: Evt => updateState(evt)
case SnapshotOffer(_, snapshot: ExampleState) => state = snapshot
val receiveCommand: Receive = {
case Cmd(data) =>
persist(Evt(s"${data}-${numEvents + 1}")) { event =>
case "snap" => saveSnapshot(state)
case "print" => println(state)
akka clustering
- P2P (gossip) clustering protocol
- Membership service
- Automatic failure detection
- Cluster-aware routers
- JMX metrics
class SimpleClusterListener extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
override def preStart(): Unit = cluster.subscribe(
self, initialStateMode = InitialStateAsEvents, classOf[MemberEvent])
override def postStop(): Unit = cluster.unsubscribe(self)
def receive = {
case MemberUp(member) => log.info("Member is Up: {}", member.address)
case MemberRemoved(member, previousStatus) =>
log.info("Member is Removed: {} after {}", member.address, previousStatus)
case _: MemberEvent => // ignore
akka cluster sharding
- Shards of stateful actors
- ShardRegion and ShardCoordinator services
- Rebalancing shards using akka-persistence
- Passivation of actors
typeName = "Counter",
entryProps = Some(Props[Counter]),
idExtractor = idExtractor,
shardResolver = shardResolver)
val idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor = {
case EntryEnvelope(id, payload) ⇒ (id.toString, payload)
case msg @ Get(id) ⇒ (id.toString, msg)
val shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver = msg ⇒ msg match {
case EntryEnvelope(id, _) ⇒ (id % 10).toString
case Get(id) ⇒ (id % 10).toString
An airplane is assigned to a rotation.
A rotation consists of legs.
A leg is a directed relocation of an airplane
between two airports at given date.
A flight consist of legs and has a flight designator.
Each airport defines a standard ground time which is the minimum time that an airplane have to spend on ground between consecutive legs.
One can check if all legs in a rotation hold continuity property, does not violate standard ground times and flight numbers are not duplicated.
- Schedule can be imported from SSIM file (industry standard)

technology stack


WRITE model design
Airplane and Rotation aggregates
- (Persistent) Actor = Aggregate
- Scala case classes = Value Objects, Events, Commands
- Publishing domain events, e.g. RotationAdded
- Separated domain from infrastructural concerns
- Hexagonal architecture
- Rest API
read model design
- Graph-oriented database (Neo4j)
- Denormalization of events from event bus
READ MODEL Scalability
- Simple replication of read model instances
- Round robin load balancing
- Took advantage of the replayability

- Aggregate roots sharding and rebalancing
- Round robin routers as load balancers
- Scalable event store - Cassandra

- Kamon
- Zipkin
- Akka tracing
- Gatling
- Akka clustering JMX
- Visual VM
replayable event bus
main challenge
distributed EVent bus
Messsage delivery is not an issue
- DistributedPubSub Akka extension
- ZeroMQ
- RabbitMQ
- We need to replay events from the past
event bus #1
Akka Persistence Views
- Views can replay only events for a single persistent actor
- Views are polling the event store
- This will change in 2015 Q3 (see Akka Roadmap) [21]
Apache Kafka as an event store
Nearly perfect solution! But...
Kafka was not designed with this use case in mind: [51]
- Retention time usually 1-14 days.
- Maximum number of partitions way too low
- Designed mainly for log processing
Kafka + Cassandra tandem
- Replay past events from Cassandra
- Subscribe to Kafka
We can miss events!
Kafka + Cassandra tandem
We leveraged Kafka durability
- Kafka retention time set to X (e.g. 24h)
- Subscribing from scratch in Kafka after Cassandra replay
- Filtering duplicate events
- If replay takes less than X we won't miss any event
STILL a room for improvement
- Events ordering between aggregates [58]
- Single Kafka topic/partition for now
- Subscription only to all events
- often we need to listen for a specific events only
(e.g. from a single aggregate) - database is better in data filtering
- unnecessary traffic
- Not optimal for simultaneous replays on different nodes
- ATOM interface
- Spark connectors
lessons learned
and those still not learned...
distributed ddd
- Pat Helland's entities [45] matches aggregate definition
- CQRS makes scalability and distribution easier
- Saga/Business process is hard to implement efficiently
- Application services need to be replicated
- A single aggregate may be still a bottleneck
- Solution: CRDTs [20, 46, 47]
ddd implementation concerns
- Actors in the domain code? NO! [27]
- Prefer TypedIdClasses over UUID
- What to do when command validation fails?
- Return error?
- Throw exception?
- Publish event?
akka stuff
- Avoid ask pattern if possible [22, 24]
- timeout hell
- performance issues
- tell, don't ask
- It's not easy to manage dependencies
- We don't like cake pattern!
- How we should handle stateless business logic?
- Actors behind routers?, futures?, static classes?
continuation monad? dataflow? [23, 25, 26] - Cluster sharding is not fully dynamic yet
- Cannot change number of shards
without restarting the app
- Test Data Builder Pattern rocks! [59]
- Start with integration tests on application service level
- Given/When/Then perfectly fits to DDD: [30]
- given past events
- when command fired
- then expected event(s)
- Eventual consistency forces you to wait in tests :(
- Sometimes it is possible to avoid it by using hacks
e.g.: waiting on expected number of entities - Where to put e2e tests?
- Completely outside of the app?
- In the REST port?
other lessons
- EJB and Akka are in fact similar! [19-20]
- Active Object
- #unpopularopinion
- Eventual consistency
- often is feasible and realistic
- introduces new problems
Performance measurement is not straightforward
- App monitoring is challenging
- Automatized deployment is crucial
- Open source - on the way!
- More detailed performance evaluation
- Replayable event bus improvements
- ATOM, Spark Streaming, Redis
- Causal consistency [58]
- Effective sagas implementation
- Effective stateless logic implementation
- Upcasting and snapshoting [33]
- Geo-based sharding
Maciek & Adam
- Integration with PaaSage platform
- Metrics exposure
- Second read model
- More detailed performance evaluation
- Mariusz & Michał [55]
- Akka debugging tool
- Akka-tracing enhancement [54]
DDD/CQRS/ES with Akka - case study
Let's talk! Give us feedback!
Andrzej Dębski
andrzejdebski91 @ gmail.com
Bartłomiej Szczepanik
mequrel @ gmail.com, @bszczepanik
CQRS/ES/DDD with Akka
By mequrel
CQRS/ES/DDD with Akka
- 3,961