Who killed President Kennedy in 1963?

The official stance of the US government is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating the president.

The government investigations, including the Warren commission, may be missing or deliberately obscuring other potential theories.

Who killed President Kennedy in 1963?

The official stance of the US Government is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating the president.

The government investigations, including the Warren commission, may be missing or deliberately obscuring other potential theories.

of the first paragraph

The thesis needs to be clear, direct, and informative (for informative papers) or argumentative (for argumentative papers).

"The government investigations, including the Warren commission, may be missing or deliberately obscuring other potential theories." would be informational.

"The government is covering up the conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination, as there was most definitely a second shooter on the grassy knoll." would be argumentative.

Mystery and Mutilation

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43 69 63 61 64 61

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Don't be boring. Grab your reader at the start and make them interested

Don't be boring. Grab your reader at the start and make them interested

Thesis, Introduction, Title - 122

By Cameron Mount

Thesis, Introduction, Title - 122

  • 671