A systemic perspective

Sustainability is a state of a complex system



Complex system


A great number of interacting components


Look for patterns & the big picture

Tragedy of the commons


Garret Hardin, 1968

How to gain insight into system dynamics? 



Socially just

Resilience is the capacity of a system to deal with change and continue to develop

Stockholm Resilience Centre

Floating pavilions, Rotterdam

Rehabilitating Mangroves in the Philippines

How to increase resilience? 


  • Maintain diversity & redundancy

  • Manage connectivity

  • Manage slow variables & feedbacks

Stockholm Resilience Centre

Often, the enemy of resilience is efficiency (!!)

How can you make 'het Vierhavensgebied' more resilient?

Social Justice is the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society

Just Comment – Volume 3 Number 1, 2000

Chapultepec Park, Mexico

Metrocable Caracas, Venezuela

How to increase social justice? 


  • Broaden participation

  • Deal with power issues and potential conflicts

  • Listen, and extend your judgment

How can you make 'het Vierhavensgebied' more socially just?

Autonomy is the level of independence of the system

Gujarat, India

Grow food, not lawns movement

How to increase autonomy? 


  • Increase independence of:

    • Food (urban agriculture)

    • Energy (renewable energy)

    • Water (rainwater, reuse grey water)

How can you make 'het Vierhavensgebied' more autonomous?

Develop a systemic vision



Time bound






We want our neighborhood to be sustainable in 30 years, meaning resilient, autonomous, and equitable

All the buildings of this neighbourhood should use solar panels to provide the neighborhood with its own electricity.

In 2020 our neighbourhood is the most sustainable area in the Netherlands

To increase the sustainability of the city Rotterdam by means of our neighbourhood

Flip the goal


  1. Brainstorm and write down the systemic goal for your project;
  2. Apply the criteria, is your goal: 
    • Systemic
    • Time-bound
    • Performative
    • Inspirational
  3. Adapt your goal.


You have until 13:30h, then you will present your goal to the group. 








Want to contact me? 


Systemic Thinking & Goal Setting

By Merel Segers

Systemic Thinking & Goal Setting

Lecture for Art Academy Willem de Koning

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