Interactions on structured networks



Claudia Merger

supervisors:  Prof. Moritz Helias & Prof. Carsten Honerkamp


Ubiquity of structure

Ubiquity of structure

  • Biological & artificial neural networks

  • Social networks

  • Transportation & infrastructure (trains, power grid, ...)

  • Spin glasses

How can we understand phenomena such as learning, spread of disease, or the emergence of order in these systems?

Ubiquity of structure

A_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1 & i \text{ interacts with } j \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases}

Adjacency matrix:

  • Biological & artificial neural networks

  • Social networks

  • Transportation & infrastructure (trains, power grid, ...)

  • Spin glasses

How can we understand phenomena such as learning, spread of disease, or the emergence of order in these systems?

Ubiquity of structure

A_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1 & i \text{ interacts with } j \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases}
  • Biological & artificial neural networks

  • Social networks

  • Transportation & infrastructure (trains, power grid, ...)

  • Spin glasses

How can we understand phenomena such as learning, spread of disease, or the emergence of order in these systems?

Adjacency matrix:

Describe interactions on structured systems

Common feature of structured systems: Hubs

degree \(k_i =\) number of connections

hub \( h \): \( k_h \gg \langle k \rangle\)

\( \rightarrow \) degree distribution constitutes a hierarchy on the network


Common feature of structured systems: Hubs

how important are hubs?


Barabási-Albert networks









Ising model

Barabási-Albert networks have hubs









p(k) \sim k^{-3} \, \rightarrow \, \text{"scale-free network"}\\ k_{max} = m_0 \sqrt{N} \\ \\ \langle k \rangle = 2 m_0 \\

\( N=\) system size,

\( m_0 = 4 \)

Complicated connectivity \( A_{ij} \)

Barabási-Albert networks have hubs









p(k) \sim k^{-3} \, \rightarrow \, \text{"scale-free network"}\\ k_{max} = m_0 \sqrt{N} \\ \\ \langle k \rangle = 2 m_0 \\

Complicated connectivity \( A_{ij} \)

Ising model defines interactions:


x_i \in \{-1,1\} \\ \\ p(x)\propto \exp \left(\beta \sum_{ij} A_{ij}x_i x_j \right)

\( N=\) system size,

\( m_0 = 4 \)

Average magnetization









Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average activity  \( m_i = \langle x_i \rangle \)


first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)


additional assumption: only degree \( k_i \) matters

\(m_i \rightarrow m(k_i) \),

\(A_{ij} \rightarrow p_c(k_i,k_j) \)

same approximation with full connectivity yields wrong results


Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average magnetization









Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average activity  \( m_i = \langle x_i \rangle \)


first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)


additional assumption: only degree \( k_i \) matters

\(m_i \rightarrow m(k_i) \),

\(A_{ij} \rightarrow p_c(k_i,k_j) \)



Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average magnetization









Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average activity  \( m_i = \langle x_i \rangle \)


first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)


additional assumption: only degree \( k_i \) matters

\(m_i \rightarrow m(k_i) \),

\(A_{ij} \rightarrow p_c(k_i,k_j) \)



Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Average magnetization










Average activity  \( m_i = \langle x_i \rangle \)


first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)


additional assumption: only degree \( k_i \) matters

\(m_i \rightarrow m(k_i) \),

\(A_{ij} \rightarrow p_c(k_i,k_j) \)

same approximation with full connectivity yields wrong results

Bianconi et. al., 2001,

Dorogovtsev et. al.,2002

Leone et. al., 2002



Beyond the degree resolved picture?

 not only degree \( k_i \) matters

but also local connectivity





Fluctuation correction to mean-field model

m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j} A_{ij} m_j -m_i \beta^2 \sum_{j} A_{ij}^2 (1-m_j^2) +\mathcal{O}(\beta^3)\bigg)



Thouless, Anderson, Palmer, 1977

Vasiliev &Radzhabov, 1974

Fluctuation correction to mean-field model

m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j} A_{ij} m_j -m_i \beta^2 \sum_{j} A_{ij}^2 (1-m_j^2) +\mathcal{O}(\beta^3)\bigg)



Thouless, Anderson, Palmer, 1977

Vasiliev &Radzhabov, 1974

yields an accurate description!

even with the full connectivity

Self-feedback in mean-field equations


mean-field: \( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)

\( \Rightarrow m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} \tanh\left[ \dots + \beta A_{ji} m_i\right]\bigg)  \)

Self-feedback in mean-field equations


mean-field: \( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)

\( \Rightarrow m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} \tanh\left[ \dots + \beta A_{ji} m_i\right]\bigg)  \)

Self-feedback in mean-field equations


mean-field: \( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)

\( \Rightarrow m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} \tanh\left[ \dots + \beta A_{ji} m_i\right]\bigg)  \)

Strongest for hubs!

\( \Rightarrow \) mean-field theory overestimates the importance of hubs

Fluctuation correction to mean-field model

m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j} A_{ij} m_j -m_i \beta^2 \sum_{j} A_{ij}^2 (1-m_j^2) +\mathcal{O}(\beta^3)\bigg)



expand \( m_j \) around \( m_i = 0 \)

m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \underbrace{\sum_{j} A_{ij} m_j\bigg|_{m_i=0}}_{\text{field in the absence of } i} +\mathcal{O}(\beta^3) \bigg)

\( \leftrightarrow \) cavity approach: Mezard, Parisi

and Virasoro, 1986

Thouless, Anderson, Palmer, 1977

\( \Rightarrow \) fluctuations cancel self-feedback

Self-feedback effect, strongest in hubs, is cancelled by fluctuations!

\( \Rightarrow\) description beyond degree resolved

Cancellation of self-feedback

Self-feedback in other systems?

Spread of disease: Models

  • Markov process
  • Population: Susceptible, Infected, Recovered/Removed

No self-feedback in SIR model




No self-feedback in SIR model




No self-feedback in SIR model




Computing average dynamics

Goal: compute expectation values

\(\rho^{S}_i(t)=\langle S_i(t) \rangle \)

\(\rho^{I}_i(t)=\langle I_i(t) \rangle \)


susceptible: \( S_i = 1, I_i =0 \)

infected: \( S_i =0, I_i =1 \)

recovered: \( S_i = I_i =0 \)

Computing average dynamics

Goal: compute expectation values

\(\rho^{S}_i(t)=\langle S_i(t) \rangle \)

\(\rho^{I}_i(t)=\langle I_i(t) \rangle \)

\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=- \bigg\langle S_{i}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij} I_{j} (t) \bigg\rangle \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+ \bigg\langle S_{i}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij} I_{j} (t) \bigg\rangle\,\nonumber \end{align}


susceptible: \( S_i = 1, I_i =0 \)

infected: \( S_i =0, I_i =1 \)

recovered: \( S_i = I_i =0 \)

Computing average dynamics

Goal: compute expectation values

\(\rho^{S}_i(t)=\langle S_i(t) \rangle \)

\(\rho^{I}_i(t)=\langle I_i(t) \rangle \)

\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=- \bigg\langle S_{i}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij} I_{j} (t) \bigg\rangle \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+ \bigg\langle S_{i}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij} I_{j} (t) \bigg\rangle\,\nonumber \end{align}


susceptible: \( S_i = 1, I_i =0 \)

infected: \( S_i =0, I_i =1 \)

recovered: \( S_i = I_i =0 \)


Mean-field equations

\langle S_i(t) I_j(t) \rangle \approx \langle S_i(t) \rangle \langle I_j(t) \rangle \quad \forall i \neq j

approximate agents as independent:

Mean-field equations

\langle S_i(t) I_j(t) \rangle \approx \langle S_i(t) \rangle \langle I_j(t) \rangle \quad \forall i \neq j

approximate agents as independent:

\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=-\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\rho_{j}^{I}(t) \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\rho_{j}^{I}(t)\,\nonumber \end{align}

Mean-field equations

\langle S_i(t) I_j(t) \rangle \approx \langle S_i(t) \rangle \langle I_j(t) \rangle \quad \forall i \neq j

approximate agents as independent:

this approximation artificially introduces self-feedback

= \dots + \beta A_{ji} \rho^I_i (t-1)
\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=-\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\rho_{j}^{I}(t) \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\rho_{j}^{I}(t)\,\nonumber \end{align}

Self-feedback is a second-order effect

\propto \beta^2 \text{ correction}

Self-feedback is a second-order effect

\propto \beta^2 \text{ correction}
\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=-\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\left( \rho_{j}^{I}(t) -\rho_{j\leftarrow i}^{I}(t) \right) \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\left( \rho_{j}^{I}(t) -\rho_{j\leftarrow i}^{I}(t) \right)\,\nonumber \end{align}
  • Compute second-order corrections from a systematic expansion(Roudi, Hertz (2011))
  • No information about the presence/absence of selffeedback

Self-feedback is a second-order effect

\propto \beta^2 \text{ correction}
  • Compute second-order corrections from a systematic expansion(Roudi, Hertz (2011))
  • No information about the presence/absence of selffeedback


\begin{align} \Delta\rho_{i}^{S}(t+1)&=-\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\left( \rho_{j}^{I}(t) -\rho_{j\leftarrow i}^{I}(t) \right) \nonumber \\ \Delta\rho_{i}^{I}(t+1)&=-\mu\rho_{i}^{I}(t)+\rho_{i}^{S}(t)\beta\sum_{j}A_{ij}\left( \rho_{j}^{I}(t) -\rho_{j\leftarrow i}^{I}(t) \right)\,\nonumber \end{align}
\rho_{j\leftarrow i}^{I}(t):=\beta A_{ji}\sum_{t^{\prime}\leq t-1}\rho_{j}^{S}(t^{\prime})\rho_{i}^{I}(t^{\prime})(1-\mu)^{t-t^{\prime}-1}

Self-feedback inflates infection curves

Self-feedback inflates infection curves

Self-feedback inflates infection curves

\( \Rightarrow \) Sparsity suppresses activity!


  • Self-feedback is canceled by fluctuations
    • lowering the transition temperature
    • reducing the number of infections
  • in systems with self-feedback, systematic expansion techniques such as the Plefka expansion can be used

Interactions are effective descriptions of system

Write interacting theory using polynomial action \( S_{\theta} (x) = \ln  p_{\theta} (x)\)


\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)



Interactions are effective descriptions of system

Write interacting theory using polynomial action \( S_{\theta} (x) = \ln  p_{\theta} (x)\)


\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)




Interactions are effective descriptions of system

Write interacting theory using polynomial action \( S_{\theta} (x) = \ln  p_{\theta} (x)\)


\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)




how can we find \( S_{\theta} \) given observations of the system?

Invertible neural networks learn data distributions

learned data distribution

\( p_{\theta} (x) =p_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big| \)


loss function

\( \mathcal{L}\left(\mathcal{D}\right) =-\sum_{x \in \mathcal{D}} \ln p_{\theta}(x) \)


NICE (Dinh et. al., 2015 ), RealNVP (Dinh et. al., 2017), GLOW (Kingma et. al. , 2018)

Invertible neural networks learn data distributions

learned data distribution

\( p_{\theta} (x) =p_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big| \)


loss function

\( \mathcal{L}\left(\mathcal{D}\right) =-\sum_{x \in \mathcal{D}} \ln p_{\theta}(x) \)


generate samples

NICE (Dinh et. al., 2015 ), RealNVP (Dinh et. al., 2017), GLOW (Kingma et. al. , 2018)

Invertible neural networks learn data distributions

take learned data distribution

\( p_{\theta} (x) =p_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big| \)

write as:

\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)

using polynomial \( f_{\theta} \) with \( \det J_{f_{\theta}}(x) = c_{\theta} \)


generate samples

Invertible neural networks learn data distributions

take learned data distribution

\( p_{\theta} (x) =p_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big| \)

write as:

\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)

          \(= S_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) +\ln \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big|\)

using polynomial \( f_{\theta} \) with \( \det J_{f_{\theta}}(x) = c_{\theta} \)


generate samples

Invertible neural networks learn data distributions


starting with \( \ln p_Z( x_L) = S_Z (x_L) = -\frac{x_L^2}{2} +c \)

\( S_{\theta} (x)= S_Z \left( f_{\theta}(x) \right) +\ln \big| \det J_{f_{\theta}} (x) \big|\)

using polynomial \( f_{\theta} \) with \( \det J_{f_{\theta}}(x) = c_{\theta} \)


Mapping of \(x\) \(\rightarrow \) transform of interaction coefficients

\( S_{l-1} \left( x_{l-1} \right) = S_l \left( f_l(x_{l-1}) \right) +\ln | \det J_{f_l} (x)| \)

Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.

Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.
  • Generate samples from \(p_I(\phi)= e^{S_I(\phi)} \)
  • learn new action \(p_{\theta} \) with coefficients \(A^{(k)}\)
  • compare \(I^{(k)}\) and \(A^{(k)}\)

Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.

Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.

Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.




Application: \( \phi^4 \) theory

S_I(\phi) = I^{(1)}_i \phi_i + I^{(2)}_{\text{diag},ii} \phi_i^2 + I^{(2)}_{\text{offdiag},ij} \phi_i \phi_j + I^{(4)}_{\text{diag},iiii} \phi_i^4 + const.

Network reproduces statistics with modified coefficients \( \Rightarrow \) Effective theory



  • learn (effective) higher-order interacting theories from data
  • prototype to understand generative learning

Interactions on structured systems

Mapping of \(x\) \(\rightarrow \) transform of interaction coefficients

Layers composed of linear & nonlinear mappings

\(f_l (x_l) =\phi_l \circ L_l \, (x_l) \)


action transform

\( S_{l-1} \left( x_{l-1} \right) = S_l \left( f_l(x_{l-1}) \right) +\ln | \det J_{f_l} (x)| \)

Mapping of \(x\) \(\rightarrow \) transform of interaction coefficients

Layers composed of linear & nonlinear mappings

\(f_l (x_l) =\phi_l \circ L_l \, (x_l) \)


action transform

\( S_{l-1} \left( x_{l-1} \right) = S_l \left( f_l(x_{l-1}) \right) +\ln | \det J_{f_l} (x)| \)

write \( S_l \) as




starting with \( S_Z (z) = -\frac{z_i z_i}{2} +c \)

\begin{split} S_{l} (x) = & \left( A^{(0)}_l \right) + \left( A^{(1)}_l \right) _{i} x_i \\ & + \left( A^{(2)}_l \right) _{ij} x_i x_j +\left( A^{(3)}_l \right) _{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \end{split}

Mapping of \(x\) \(\rightarrow \) transform of interaction coefficients

Layers composed of linear & nonlinear mappings

\(f_l (x_l) =\phi_l \circ L_l \, (x_l) \)


action transform

\( S_{l-1} \left( x_{l-1} \right) = S_l \left( f_l(x_{l-1}) \right) +\ln | \det J_{f_l} (x)| \)

linear mapping

\( L_l (x_l) = W_l x_l +b_l \)


choose nonlinear mapping

\( \phi_l \) quadratic, invertible with \( \det J_{\phi_l } =1 \)

\( \Rightarrow \, f_l \) quadratic polynomial

Mapping of \(x\) \(\rightarrow \) transform of interaction coefficients

Layers composed of linear & nonlinear mappings

\(f_l (x_l) =\phi_l \circ L_l \, (x_l) \)


action transform

\( S_{l-1} \left( x_{l-1} \right) = S_l \left( f_l(x_{l-1}) \right) +\ln | \det J_{f_l} (x)| \)

linear mapping

\( L_l (x_l) = W_l x_l +b_l \)


choose nonlinear mapping

\( \phi_l \) quadratic, invertible with \( \det J_{\phi_l } =1 \)

\( \Rightarrow \, f_l \) quadratic polynomial with \( \det J_{f_l } = \det W_l \)

Application: MNIST

\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)

Application: MNIST

\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)

strongest three-point interactions

Application: MNIST

\( S_{\theta} (x)= A^{(0)} + A^{(1)}_{i} x_i + A^{(2)}_{ij} x_i x_j +A^{(3)}_{ijk} x_i x_j x_k + \dots \)

Effective theory

SIR model

\( \Rightarrow \) Sparsity suppresses activity!


Spread of disease: Models

  • Markov process
  • Population: Susceptible, Infected, Recovered/Removed

SIRS & SIS model

same corrections even though self-feedback is allowed.

only partial cancellation

SIRS & SIS model

same corrections even though self-feedback is allowed.

only partial cancellation

SIRS model

State with finite endemic activity exists,

but at which \( \lambda=\frac{\beta}{\mu} \) ?

SIRS model

State with finite endemic activity exists,

but at which \( \lambda=\frac{\beta}{\mu} \) ?

\( \Rightarrow \) Linearize around \( \rho^I =0\) and check when \(\Delta \rho^I >0 \)

SIRS model

State with finite endemic activity exists,

but at which \( \lambda=\frac{\beta}{\mu} \) ?

\( \Rightarrow \) Linearize around \( \rho^I =0\) and check when \(\Delta \rho^I >0 \)

Mean-field: \(\lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_a^{max} \)

\(a= \) adjacency matr.

SIRS model

State with finite endemic activity exists,

but at which \( \lambda=\frac{\beta}{\mu} \) ?

\( \Rightarrow \) Linearize around \( \rho^I =0\) and check when \(\Delta \rho^I >0 \)

Mean-field: \(\lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_a^{max} \)

corrected equation:

\( \lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_D^{max} \)

\(a= \) adjacency matr.

D = \begin{pmatrix} a & -1 \\ K & 0 \end{pmatrix} \\ K_{ij} = \delta_{ij} \text{degree}_i

Mean-field: \(\lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_a^{max} \)

corrected equation:

\( \lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_D^{max} \)

\text{scale free networks}: \\ p(\text{degree}) \sim (\text{degree})^{-\gamma}

Mean-field: \(\lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_a^{max} \)

corrected equation:

\( \lambda_c^{-1} = \lambda_D^{max} \)

\text{scale free networks}: \\ p(\text{degree}) \sim (\text{degree})^{-\gamma}

Simulation with NEST

Difficulty: Spiking neurons \( \rightarrow \) neurons with 3 discrete states


basis for implementation: binary neurons

idea: communicate changes to \( \theta_i \)




signal change of state via spikes:

Spike with multiplicity 1: \( S \rightarrow I \)

Spike with multiplicity 2: \( I \rightarrow S,R \)

Simulation with NEST


"Ground truth"

"conventional" Metropolis Monte Carlo: Hubs freeze out

Parallel Tempering

Swedensen and Wang,1986

\( T \)

\(\beta_i \)

\(\beta_j \)

\( p_{ij} = \min \left( 1, e^{(E_i-E_j)(\beta_i -\beta_j)}\right) \)








Timo Reinartz, Stefan Wessel

Beyond the degree resolved picture?

 not only degree \( k_i \) matters

but also local connectivity





first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)

\( \rightarrow \) yields incorrect results!

Beyond the degree resolved picture?

 not only degree \( k_i \) matters

but also local connectivity





first order approximation (mean-field theory):

\( m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j } A_{ij} m_j \bigg)  \)

\( \rightarrow \) yields incorrect results!

Fluctuation correction to mean-field model

m_i=\tanh \bigg( \beta \sum_{j} A_{ij} m_j -m_i \beta^2 \sum_{j} A_{ij}^2 (1-m_j^2) +\mathcal{O}(\beta^3)\bigg)



Thouless, Anderson, Palmer, 1977

Vasiliev &Radzhabov, 1974

yields a more accurate description!

even with the full connectivity

SIR model

Analogous 2-state problem:

Roudi, Y. & Hertz, J. Dynamical TAP equations for non-equilibrium Ising spin glasses. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011, P03031 (2011).

update probability:

Compute second order corrections!

Analogous 2-state problem:

Roudi, Y. & Hertz, J. Dynamical TAP equations for non-equilibrium Ising spin glasses. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011, P03031 (2011).

update probability:

Compute second order corrections!

Cumulant generating functon

Compute second order corrections!

Cumulant generating functon

Compute second order corrections!

Cumulant generating functon

Compute second order corrections!

Cumulant generating functon

Compute second order corrections!

Cumulant generating functon

Effective action: Legendre transform

Effective action: Legendre transform

eq. of state

Effective action: Legendre transform

eq. of state


flu. correction / "TAP term"

Plefka expansion: Expansion in \( \beta \)

Interactions on structured networks

By merger

Interactions on structured networks

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