SLC JS Learners

  • Sean Duncan (founder & organizer)
  • The group was founded:
    • almost 4 years ago
    • to scratch my own itches as learning
    • with other learners
  • Group events have mostly been well
    attended from the beginning,
    i.e. it's meeting a community need

SLC JS Learners

1st Sat  - Study Group

3rd Sat  - joint meetup with FreeCodeCamp
               - junior level presentations & study group

3rd Tue - novice to junior level presentations
               - ideally hands-on

SLC JS Learners

Two unavoidable problems:

  1. Content
    • standard EcmaScript
    • standard HTML & CSS
    • rudimentary tools
      (e.g. git, npm, editors/IDEs)

SLC JS Learners

Two unavoidable problems:

  1. Content
  2. Personal cost-benefit
    • energetic
    • engages other learners
    • excites other learners
    • helps other learners
    • encourages other learners

SLC JS Learners

  • Sean Duncan (founder & co-organizer)
  • Laine Hardy (co-organizer)

SLC JS Learners

Introducing ...

By metasean

Introducing ...

  • 1,145