Drupal 8:
The Leading Example for
an Accessible CMS
Mike Gifford - OpenConcept.ca
Mike Gifford, President
OpenConcept Consulting Inc.
Drupal Core Accessibility Maintainer
Drupal 7
- 1 million sites
- Nearly 4 years since first release
- Dominating educational & government sector
- Many accessibility bugs already resolved
- Modules, themes, documentation
- Buy-in from community
Getting Code in Core
- After release, errors in Core are reported to Drupal 8
- Errors are discussed, patches developed
- Extensive review process (both automated & manual)
- If fixed in dev version it is often back-ported
- Major releases to have changes, but usually the functionality is transferable
Drupal 8
- Mobile friendly
- Proudly Built Elsewhere
- Setting good examples
- Adding WAI-ARIA
- Involvement of people with disabilities
Changes 2 Default Themes
- Tabbing Manager
- Drupal.announce
- jQuery UI Update
- jQuery Autocomplete - Proudly Invented Elsewhere
- ARIA table improvements - aria-sort
- Fixes upstream to CKEditor which benefit everyone
- Accessible admin page for managing CKEditor
- Making Alt text required but dis-ablable
- Ability to add headings by default
Mike Gifford
- WAI-ARIA - aria-label & aria-invalid=true
- Asterisk to CSS
- Configurable position of description
- Adding in title to all form elements
- Natively supporting HTML5's required
- Allowing custom validation error messages
The Modern Web Is Built with Central Libraries!
Photo: mathrong
Free As In Kittens !
Photo: Harry Whittier Frees
Why we need open source accessibility
Rate of change on the Internet
Need for regular testing
Problems too big to solve alone
Engage disabled people in solution
Mike Gifford
Drupal 8: The Leading Example for An Accessible CMS
By Mike Gifford
Drupal 8: The Leading Example for An Accessible CMS
A review of why Drupal's accessibility enhancements matter and how we got there.
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