Digital Badges @ KPU

Proposal & Report, April 10, 2018

Badges from licensed under Creative Commons

  • Introductions and overview

  • Takeaways from IMS Global Summit

  • Examples closer to home

  • Where are we now?

  • Where do we want to be?

The Opportunity Gap and What We Can Do About It:

Unrealized Potential from K-20 to Work

Ryan Davis, President and CEO, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Jamie Merisotis, President & CEO Lumina Foundation

21st Century Skills & the T-shaped Student

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

Open Badges 2.0

Closer to home...

Primary focus: to identify and badge cross-curricular, extra-curricular, open-curricular, or co-curricular competencies and activities* that are not otherwise captured by the traditional transcript or resume


  • Durham College

  • Fanshawe College

  • Georgian College

  • Loyalist College

  • University of Waterloo

  • Western University

  • York University

  • Ryerson University

Ivey Business School - Western University

Where are we now?

  • more questions than answers
  • some potential "buckets": cross-curricular; co-curricular; KPU development
  • some projects in early development: tutor training & critical thinking
  • initial badge design ideas from Marketing

Where would we like to be?

April 10 KPU badge proposal

By Meg Goodine

April 10 KPU badge proposal

Stakeholder meeting, January 29, 2018

  • 1,151