Ionic @ In3

What We'll Cover

  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • State Management

What is GraphQL?

Like REST, GraphQL is a specification that tells developers how data should be passed to and from the backend

GraphQL is an alternative to REST

REST Example

    id: 1,
    username: 'gql4Lyfe',
    profilePic: '...',
    bio: '...',
    age: 26

GET /user

Fetching user profile

    id: 1,
    username: 'gql4Lyfe',
    profilePic: '...',
    bio: '...',
    age: 26

GET /user

What if I only need id, username, and profilePic?

Option 1

Option 2

New REST API Endpoint

(e.g. GET /user-short)

Use Query Parameters

(e.g. GET /user?data=short

Problem: A lot of Endpoints and a lot of backend updating

Problem: API becomes hard to understand

Option 3


Expose a single endpoint that is flexible enough to handle any data request the front-end engineer may ask for.

Typically the endpoint we use is /graphql

/graphql in Action

Query              Response

Query                   Response

With the /graphql route, we're able to request different types of user data without defining two separate endpoints.

What are the pieces of GraphQL?

  • Queries
  • Mutations
  • Schemas
  • Resolvers


In a REST API, a GraphQL query would be the equivalent of a GET request. It’s intended to fetch data from the back-end. A GraphQL query could be programmed to create, update, or delete data on the server-side, but that’s bad practice. You should use a GraphQL mutation to do that.

extend type Query {
    user(id: ObjID!): User
        searchTerm: String
        lastCreatedAt: Float
        limit: Int
    ): [User]
        id: ObjID!
        lastCreatedAt: Float
        limit: Int
    ): [User]
        id: ObjID!
        lastCreatedAt: Float
        limit: Int
    ): [User]
    showMe(id: ObjID): User


The GraphQL mutation is more diverse. It’s intended to create, update, or delete data on the server-side. A mutation can get data back from the server the same way an HTTP POST, PUT, or DELETE request can.

input CreateUserInput {
    first_name: String
    last_name: String
    email: String!
    bio: String
    password: String!
    photoId: String
    age: Int
    isVerified: Boolean
input UpdateUserInput {
    first_name: String
    last_name: String
    email: String
    bio: String
    photoId: String
    age: Int
    isVerified: Boolean
extend type Mutation {
    createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): User
    updateUser(id: ObjID!, input: UpdateUserInput): User
    removeUser(id: ObjID!): Void
    activateUser(id: ObjID!): User
    updatePassword(id: ObjID!, input: UpdatePasswordInput): Void

Queries and Mutations both use the HTTP POST method to talk to the server.


A schema is a model for the data that you are handling. In a schema is where you can define what properties are associated with your data model and what properties can be given to a Mutation or Query.

type User {
    id: ObjID
    first_name: String
    last_name: String
    email: String
    bio: String
    photo: Asset
    dob: String
    createdAt: Float


A resolver is a function that executes on the server-side when a specific GraphQL query or mutation is received by GraphQL Server. The same way every REST API route (URL path) is tied to an endpoint (function),  Every GraphQL query and mutation is tied to a resolver (function).

Apollo Client & Apollo Server

Although Apollo Client and Apollo Server work together to create a communication channel between the front-end and the back-end, you don’t have to use them together. You can use Apollo Client without the Apollo Server or the Apollo Server without the Apollo Client.

Apollo Client is a wrapper for an HTTP client that is GraphQL-compliant logic within it. This wrapper library can accept queries and mutations so they can be parsed into HTTP requests and given to a GraphQL server.

Apollo Server is the GraphQL API that resides on the server-side. It takes incoming requests from GraphQL-enabled clients, parses the requests, and gives the parsed requests to functions. These functions then execute their business logic and give back a response to be returned to the client.



Loona is a state management library that's built on top of Apollo Client.


Why do I need it?

State management libraries can help with the following: 

  • performance
  • organization of data (keeps your data centralized)
  • debugging

Helpful Resources

  • GraphQL:
  • Apollo Client:
  • Apollo Server:
  • What is GraphQL?:
  • Create GraphQL Server Tool:


By Michael Busby


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