D3 Layouts

{warm-up // color-scales}

Ordinal color scales

Define your scale

Has a pre-defined range

Dynamically sets domain

var colorScale = d3.scale.category10()
colorScale('item 1') // returns first color #1f77b4
colorScale('item 2') // returns second color  #ff7f0e


All these do is change your data

// initial data
    {le_1960:45, le_2013:65}, 
    {le_1960:55}, le_2013:75}

/* Do some layout stuff */

// Data after layout
    {le_1960:45, le_2013:65, x:0, y:0, width:100, height:200}, 
    {le_1960:55}, le_2013:75, x:10, y:0, width:200, height:300}

/* Do whatever you want with the changed data */


The data

// Nested data
var data = {
            name:'group 1', children: [
                {name:'obs 1', size:1000}, 
                {name:'obs 2', size:2000}
            name:'group 2', children: [
                {name:'obs 1', size:3000}, 
                {name:'obs 2', size:4000}

The Layout Function

// Simpler data
var data = {
        {name:'obs 1', size:1000}, 
        {name:'obs 2', size:2000},
        {name:'obs 3', size:500},
// Layout function
var layout = d3.layout.pack()
     .size([500, 500]) // size of space
     .value(function(d){return d.size}) // choose property 

// This will manipulate your data, and return the array you want

Today's challenge

Today's challenge

Getting started

Fork my repo

Clone in desktop

Start local server

cd "Desktop/firebase-demo"
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

If you've cloned firebase-demo 

If you haven't

# Clone YOUR repo
git clone github.com/USERNAME/firebase-demo

# Set an upstream remote (where it came from)
git remote add upstream github.com/mkfreeman/firebase-demo.git

# Get any upstream changes
git fetch upstream

# Make sure you're on master branch
git checkout master

# Reset your branch to the upstream: discards uncommitted changes
git reset --hard upstream/master

Change reference to your firebase


// Create a variable 'ref' to reference your firebase storage
var ref = new Firebase('https://twitter-demo.firebaseio.com/');

Add your bubble chart!

Create a directive in JavaScript

Bind the directive in HTML

Pass in your tweets as data

Build your re-usable draw() function


Check out our last d3 + angular activity

Watch your $firebaseArray directly

Pass a copy of your data to your layout function

/* Inside your directive */
// Use scope.data.$watch to watch for firebase array changes
scope.data.$watch(function(d) {				
    // re-draw your graph!
// Create data to bind to your selection of circles
scope.bubbleData = bubble.nodes({children:angular.copy(scope.data)});


Define <pattern> tags for your image fill (example)

    <!-- pattern1 -->
    <pattern id="pattern1" height="100%" width="100%" patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
        <image height="1" width="1" preserveAspectRatio="none" xlink:href="url/to/img.pns" />

You can do this dynamically in D3 (in your draw function)

You'll need to pass in some more data to your directive...

// Track when tweets are actually loaded in your controller
   $scope.loaded += 1;

You'll need to wait for all your data to load


Final projects (due before last class)

Project evaluation (due by Friday after last class)


By Michael Freeman