Version Control


Terminal Review

Version Control


{terminal review}

Terminal Review

List files


Change directory

cd dir-name

Determine where you are in the file system


Make a directory

mkdir dir-name

Terminal exercise

# Navigate to your "Documents" directory

# Create a new directory "quick-exercise"

# Navigate to your "quick-exercise" directory

# Create a file called "test-file.r" using the touch command

# Open "test-file.r" (from the terminal) and edit it

# View the contents of the file in your terminal

# Bonus: Create 10 files with one line

{version control}

Version control

Track changes

Share code

Facilitate collaboration

Go back in time

Without Version Control

How it works

Track all files in a directory (repository)

Identify line-by-line changes

Take snapshots of your files

Share to the cloud for collaboration


Version control software

Free and open source

Enable new terminal commands

Industry standard


Initialize a project 

Add files to track

Take a snapshot/checkpoint of your work

git init

git add *

git commit -m "..."

Repeat these steps each time you make changes

git init

Run in the directory of your project

Creates a hidden .git file that track changes

Allows you to perform other git commands, like git status

git add

Adds files to be tracked in the future

Adds changes to already tracked files

One file (git add filename.r) or all files (git add *)

git commit

Takes a snapshot of added changes

Must include a message (git commit -m "message here") 

{but what's GitHub?}

git init

git add *

git commit -m "message"

staging area


Local git process

Using Github

Your machine


Other machine

Using Github

Your machine


Your copy

Starter repo

git clone

git add *

Edit files

Staging area

git commit -m ".."

git push


Fork the repository

Clone your forked repo to your desktop

git clone

Demo (con't)

Edit the file

Add your changes

Commit your changes

git commit -m "Message goes here"
git add .

Push back to your repo

git push origin master
# github-practice
Add (or remove) some text



# Markdown Description
Allows you to apply simple syntax to create 
well formatted documents, including the ability to:

- Make text **bold**, *italicized*, or `monospace`
- Have headers
- Create lists
	1.  Ordered lists
	2. Or unordered lists 

Markdown Basics

# Header
## Sub-header
###### Smallest header
>Here is where you can put an indented quote

Multiple lines
Of code
In here

Who uses Markdown?


Viewing Markdown

GitHub renders


Assignment-1: Git Started(due Wed. 1/13 before class)


By Michael Freeman


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