let's build a product

simplified way

with examples from Merit Money system

Merit Money

sks.selleo.com (demo)

Product - why & how

  • challenge (some kind of friction)
  • research
    • how currently people are dealing with it
    • what solutions already exist
  • define our idea
    • what we want to build
    • why we want to build it
    • how it's differ, unique selling point
  • business is not the product
    • business model canvas

Merit Money

  • paying bonus in fair and more distributed way
  • research
    • top-down (managers); excell;
    • https://bonus.ly/
    • http://www.infoq.com/news/2015/08/peer-to-peer
  • define our idea
    • peer to peer bonus distribution system
      (recognition system)
    • to solve selleo challange - have distributed payroll system
    • better ui, and integration with internal tools, simply low cost infrastructure
  • we already have request from companies that would like to buy it

The Plan

  • write list of features
    (sort according to importance)
  • write scenarios for 3 most important features
    (sequence of actions to make working feature)
  • think about flow - user interactions with the system
    (design wireframes and map them with scenarios)
    [you can watch how others solve similar problems
    eg.: Zurb University]
  • simplify your scenarios as in Elephant Carpacio
    (what is the smallest possible way to build part of that)
  • arrange your scenarios in 2 sprints (and backlog)
    (weekly increment: goal / deadline)
  • conduct kick-off meeting
    (setup env, ensure all have access, decide who do what in first sprint; start the project - github, github issues, deployment)

The Plan

  1. Ann is giving kudo to her coworker Mark
  2. Mark is writing comment on the kudo to his teammate Luke
  3. Mark is reviewing how his teammates recognize his work
  4. Ann is looking for what kind of work her colleges are receiving kudos
  5. Luke when giving kudo want to review if he hadn't missed anyone
  6. Agnes (as manager) want to distribute money respectively to kudos share

list of features

The Plan

scenarios for 2, 3 most important features

  1. Ann is giving kudo to her coworker Mark
  2. Mark is writing comment on the kudo to his teammate Luke
  3. Mark is reviewing how his teammates recognize his work
  4. Ann is looking for what kind of work her colleges are receiving kudos
  5. Luke when giving kudo want to review if he hadn't missed anyone
  6. Agnes (as manager) want to distribute money respectively to kudos share

The Plan

Ann is giving kudo to her coworker Mark

As one of coworker and team member

Being on the team page

By clicking on his profile picture

I've gave him one kudo from my bucket

The Plan

Ann is giving kudo to her coworker Mark

As one of team member

Being on the team page

By clicking on Mark profile picture

I've gave him one kudo from my bucket

The Plan

Ann is giving kudo to her coworker Mark

As one of team member

Being on the team page

By clicking on Mark profile picture

I'll give him one kudo from my bucket

  • what are visible for Ann, and what for Mark
  • is there always kudo in the bucket
    (if not, how much do they have, do it ever get refiled)
  • how Ann and Mark get into system
  • what about teams, who defines them
  • how do they authenticate with system
  • ...

The Plan

Mark is reviewing how his teammates recognize his work

The Plan

Agnes (as manager) want to distribute money respectively to kudos share

The Plan

about flow


The Plan

last steps

  • simplify your scenarios as in Elephant Carpacio
    (what is the smallest possible way to build part of that)
  • arrange your scenarios in 2 sprints (and backlog)
    (weekly increment: goal / deadline)
  • conduct kick-off meeting
    (setup env, ensure all have access, decide who do what in first sprint; start the project - github, github issues, deployment)

let's build a product

By Michał Czyż

let's build a product

  • 1,378