Web Technologies

current state & what's coming


 developer preferences

technology trends

chooses ...

how to make wise decisions?

making wiser decisions


What we do?

What we do?


Client Side
Technologies of Choice

Server Side
Technologies of

Quality Assurance

3rd party integrations

Web & Mobile Solutions

Server Side
Technologies of Choice

Language / Frameworks

business logic, api

Data Storage /

Search Engine


Cloud Infrastructure

computing power, PaSS, IaSS, private clouds, orchestration, auto scaling, storage, cdn

Server Side
Technologies of Choice

Language / Frameworks

business logic, api

Data Storage /

Search Engine


Cloud Infrastructure

PaaS, IaaS, auto scaling, storage, cdn

  • Scala / Elixir

  • Clojure

  • Rust

  • Redis

  • PostgreSQL FTS

  • Citus Data

Private Clouds on dedicated hardware

vm JVM BEAM JVM, JS compiled
syntax JAVA (+) *Ruby *LISP *C++
concurency actor model actor model STM ownership model
framework Play Phoenix Compojure* / Reagent*  Iron
who use it EPFL
$2.3mln ERC
Typsafe Inc.
Jose Valim
Clojure Community Rust Community
st stable rel. 2006 (v2.*) 2014 2009 2015
typing static dynamic* dynamic static


github stars

  •  16_300 - rust
  •   9_521 - ruby
  •   6_700 - elixir
  •   6_002 - scala
  •   4_961 - clojure   
  •   2_788 - iron
  •  30_710 - ror  
  •   6_046 - phoenix
  •   7_775 - play
  •   2_870 - compojure   
3.24 156 3.70 142 / 5.5
4.29 121 1.61 76 / 2.1
5.75 354 1.70 56 / 1.8
11.52 686 8.21 45 / 1.4
14.07 607 2.14 61 / 2.0
18.93 1,013 2.90 44 / 1.1
48.92 937 0 47 / 1.2
57.98 243 0 170 / 4.4
exec (s) mem (kb) comp (s) loc / size (kb)
import scala.actors.Futures._

object binarytrees {
  def report(name: String, depth: Int, check: Int) =
    println(name + " of depth " + depth + "\t check: " + check)

  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    val n = try{ args(0).toInt } catch { case _ => 1 }
    val minDepth = 4
    val maxDepth = n max (minDepth+2)
    val threads = 3  // More than 3 tends to overwhelm GC

    report("stretch tree", maxDepth+1, Tree(0,maxDepth+1).isum)
    val longLivedTree = Tree(0,maxDepth)
    var depth = minDepth
    while (depth <= maxDepth) {
      val iterations = 1 << (maxDepth - depth + minDepth)
      val limits = (0 to threads).map(_*iterations/threads).sliding(2).toList
      val check = limits.map(i => future(Go(i(0)+1,i(1),depth).calc))
      report(iterations*2 + "\t trees", depth, check.map(_()).sum)
      depth += 2
    report("long lived tree", maxDepth, longLivedTree.isum)

case class Sum(var sum: Int) {
  def +=(i: Int) = { sum+=i; this }

case class Go(i0: Int, i1: Int, depth: Int) {
  def calc = (Sum(0) /: (i0 to i1))((s,i) =>
    s += Tree(i,depth).isum + Tree(-i,depth).isum

final class Tree(i: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) {
  def isum: Int = if (left eq null) i else i + left.isum - right.isum
object Tree {
  def apply(i: Int, depth: Int): Tree = {
    if (depth > 0) new Tree(i, Tree(i*2-1, depth-1), Tree(i*2, depth-1))
    else new Tree(i, null, null)
extern crate typed_arena;

use std::thread;
use typed_arena::Arena;

struct Tree<'a> {
    l: Option<&'a Tree<'a>>,
    r: Option<&'a Tree<'a>>,
    i: i32

fn item_check(t: &Option<&Tree>) -> i32 {
    match *t {
        None => 0,
        Some(&Tree { ref l, ref r, i }) => i + item_check(l) - item_check(r)

fn bottom_up_tree<'r>(arena: &'r Arena<Tree<'r>>, item: i32, depth: i32)
                  -> Option<&'r Tree<'r>> {
    if depth > 0 {
        let t: &Tree<'r> = arena.alloc(Tree {
            l: bottom_up_tree(arena, 2 * item - 1, depth - 1),
            r: bottom_up_tree(arena, 2 * item, depth - 1),
            i: item
    } else {

fn inner(depth: i32, iterations: i32) -> String {
    let mut chk = 0;
    for i in 1 .. iterations + 1 {
        let arena = Arena::new();
        let a = bottom_up_tree(&arena, i, depth);
        let b = bottom_up_tree(&arena, -i, depth);
        chk += item_check(&a) + item_check(&b);
    format!("{}\t trees of depth {}\t check: {}",
            iterations * 2, depth, chk)

fn main() {
    let n = std::env::args_os().nth(1)
        .and_then(|s| s.into_string().ok())
        .and_then(|n| n.parse().ok())
    let min_depth = 4;
    let max_depth = if min_depth + 2 > n {min_depth + 2} else {n};

        let arena = Arena::new();
        let depth = max_depth + 1;
        let tree = bottom_up_tree(&arena, 0, depth);

        println!("stretch tree of depth {}\t check: {}",
                 depth, item_check(&tree));

    let long_lived_arena = Arena::new();
    let long_lived_tree = bottom_up_tree(&long_lived_arena, 0, max_depth);

    let messages = (min_depth..max_depth + 1).filter(|&d| d % 2 == 0).map(|depth| {
        let iterations = 1 << ((max_depth - depth + min_depth) as u32);
        thread::spawn(move || inner(depth, iterations))

    for message in messages.into_iter() {
        println!("{}", message.join().unwrap());

    println!("long lived tree of depth {}\t check: {}",
             max_depth, item_check(&long_lived_tree));

Ruby 3.0 is scheduled to 2020

(Summer Olympics in Tokyo)


  • 3.0 x times faster then 2.0 and
  • modern concurrency approach
class String
  BLANK_RE = /\A[[:space:]]*\z/

  def blank?
    BLANK_RE === self
extern "C" fn fast_blank(buf: Buf) -> bool {
    buf.as_slice().chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())
class String
  BLANK_RE = /\A[[:space:]]*\z/

  def blank?
    BLANK_RE === self
extern "C" fn fast_blank(buf: Buf) -> bool {
    buf.as_slice().chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())
class String
  BLANK_RE = /\A[[:space:]]*\z/

  def blank?
    BLANK_RE === self

fast_blank (C) 10 x faster then ruby

rust implementation > c implementation


 developer preferences

technology trends

chooses ...

Client Side
Technologies of Choice

Web Browser Apps


Mobile Apps

Desktop Apps

  • Ionic ^2 (angular.js)

  • Foundation For Apps (angular.js)

  • Ember CLI Cordova

  • ...

  • .. framework or lib

  • Photon (ui)

  • ...

  • .. framework or lib

  • how

  • ...


number issues 875 (943) 214 (-100) 480
Github Stars (since Oct '15) +4000 (+5000) +2000 +11000


 developer preferences

technology trends

chooses ...


 developer preferences

technology trends

chooses ...

Quality Assurance

Testing Tools

api / business logic / client side

Peer Review


  • Code Review
  • Pull Request Workflow
  • Pair Programming
  • Virtual Development (conteiners)
  • In Cloud Development

3rd Integrations


 developer preferences

technology trends

chooses ...

vendor lock-in

What to choose





What to choose


Server Side Framework


What to choose


Client Side Framework


Coder Dojo

every Thursday at 4 PM

1 Maja 17 - Mikstura.IT


  • JavaScript & Ember.js
  • Ruby &Ruby on Rails


Angular 2

one time - 23rd April, 9 AM

1 Maja 17 - Selleo


  • Introduction to Angular 2


Than you!

Any Questions?

Selleo web technologies of choice

By Michał Czyż

Selleo web technologies of choice

current status & (potential) future choices

  • 1,520