Smart Contracts
A Brief Introduction
Presentation by: Mick de Graaf
Mick de Graaf
Twitter: @MickdeG010
What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are trackable and irreversible.
First described by Nick Szabo in 1994
Why so special?
- Not only about currency
- Can replace traditional contracts
- Trustless alternatives for internet services
- Cannot go down
- Fuck banks and notaries
No more blackbox
Everyone can verify what happens on a blockchain. For instance an online casino can no longer cheat the player with skewed odds. The code is law.
Smart Contracts
have an address
Smart Contracts have code
Smart Contracts can store data
Smart Contracts can have funds
Smart Contracts will change the world
Ok nice some examples?
- Games
- Crowdfunding
- Last Wills
- Savings accounts
- Market places
- Tokens
Smart Contract platforms
- Ethereum
- Aeternity
- Neo
- And more...
Today we'll talk Ethereum
Programming language influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript
Targets the Ethereum Virtual Machine
Lets Buidl
A Last Will
What We'll need
- A way to notify the smart contract you are no longer alive
- Be able to appoint someone who gets the funds upon death
- A way of putting in funds
- A way of pulling out funds before death
How does the smart contract know I'm dead?
Simple! I will no longer be telling I'm alive
- beneficiary(address)
- owner(address)
- withdrawTime(uint256)
- signOfLife
- withdrawWhenAlive
- withdrawUponDeath
- getBalance
That wasn't that hard?
Smart Contracts
By Mick de Graaf
Smart Contracts
- 1,023