Od zera do JavaScript developera #3

Michal Staskiewicz




  1. Values, Types, and Operators
  2. Functions &Data Structures - Objects and Arrays
  3. Higher-order Functions
  4. Objects &  first project
  5. Bugs, Errors & Regular Expression
  6. Modules & Asynchronous Programming
  7. Project - A Programming Language (review)
  8. ​Exercises - katas

Beer Challenge  Review



@Paulina Wróbel



#1 ArrayToList & more

#2 deepEqual

Bug - what it is?

Less complexity === less bugs

let total = 0, count = 1;
while (count <= 10) {
  total += count;
  count += 1;
console.log(sum(range(1, 10)));



Put 1 cup of dried peas per person into a container. Add water until the peas are well covered. Leave the peas in water for at least 12 hours. Take the peas out of the water and put them in a cooking pan. Add 4 cups of water per person. Cover the pan and keep the peas simmering for two hours. Take half an onion per person. Cut it into pieces with a knife. Add it to the peas. Take a stalk of celery per person. Cut it into pieces with a knife. Add it to the peas. Take a carrot per person. Cut it into pieces. With a knife! Add it to the peas. Cook for 10 more minutes.

Per person: 1 cup dried split peas, half a chopped onion, a stalk of celery, and a carrot.

Soak peas for 12 hours. Simmer for 2 hours in 4 cups of water (per person). Chop and add vegetables. Cook for 10 more minutes.

Abstracting repetition

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
function repeatLog(n) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Pass action down!

function repeat(n, action) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {

repeat(3, console.log);
// → 0
// → 1
// → 2

Define own function

let labels = [];
repeat(5, i => {
  labels.push(`Unit ${i + 1}`);
// → ["Unit 1", "Unit 2", "Unit 3", "Unit 4", "Unit 5"]

Higher-order functions

Functions that manipulates or returns other function


function greaterThan(n) {
  return m => m > n;
let greaterThan10 = greaterThan(10);
// → true
function noisy(f) {
  return (...args) => {
    console.log("calling with", args);
    let result = f(...args);
    console.log("called with", args, ", returned", result);
    return result;
noisy(Math.min)(3, 2, 1);
// → calling with [3, 2, 1]
// → called with [3, 2, 1] , returned 1
function unless(test, then) {
  if (!test) then();

repeat(3, n => {
  unless(n % 2 == 1, () => {
    console.log(n, "is even");
// → 0 is even
// → 2 is even

Data processing with High Order Function

Filtering arrays

Write Function That will filter array

interface: filter(array, test)

function filter(array, test) {
  let passed = [];
  for (let element of array) {
    if (test(element)) {
  return passed;


We have an array with 1000 numbers;

Filter it and display only number that can be divided by 3

let array = [...Array(1000)].map((_e, i) => i)

The map method

Takes array and apply function to each element and then return that array

interface: map(array, transform)

function map(array, transform) {
  let mapped = [];
  for (let element of array) {
  return mapped;


We have an array with 1000 numbers;

Multiply every element in this array by two;

let array = [...Array(1000)].map((_e, i) => i)


produce singe value from an array

interface: reduce(array, combine, start)

function reduce(array, combine, start) {
  let current = start;
  for (let element of array) {
    current = combine(current, element);
  return current;


We have an array with 1000 numbers;

Sum all elements in array

let array = [...Array(1000)].map((_e, i) => i)

Array's built in methods





Code Sandbox

Sandbox url


// Two emoji characters, horse and shoe
let horseShoe = "🐴👟";
// → 4
// → (Invalid half-character)
// → 55357 (Code of the half-character)
// → 128052 (Actual code for horse emoji)


#1 Count chars in every script

Dataset is available under SCRIPTS constant in sandbox

#2 Average creation year for living and dead scripts

Dataset is available under SCRIPTS constant in sandbox

#3 Flattening

#4 Your own loop

#5 Everything

Snack Challenge

Dominant writing direction

Deadline - Środa 4.07 18:00

Thanks! =>

Od zera do JavaScript developera #3

By Michał Staśkiewicz

Od zera do JavaScript developera #3

  • 823