Travis vs Circle vs Jenkins

PHPCon Poland 2016

building stuff

Photo by Michael Himbeault on Flickr

Copyright Sybren Stuvel and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License.


  • wanted less frustrating environment
  • find bugs when I introduce them
  • started writing tests
  • got to run them now
  • make others run them too


  • feature as a list of smaller changes
  • push changes often
  • easy to merge in (avoiding big merges)
  • pull changes often


  • changes ready to merge in
  • tests verified all is ok
  • ship it to master
  • it's deployable when ever you want


  • changes on master waiting to be deployed
  • bothered with working on other things
  • merge storms 
  • just ship it!


Any questions ?

MIro svrtan

  • senior problem maker solver
  • work in TicketSwap
  • @msvrtan

Jenkins CI

Circle CI

Travis CI

Which one TO pick?

We don't wanna do ops

  • we have no ops ppl or just no resources
  • we rent stuff
  • we outsource infrastructure
  • not our core bussiness

We don't wanna do ops


  • we have infrastructure/servers + ops
  • must be behind FW
  • or just paranoid



  • open source
  • easy to install
    • setup <1hour
  • will need some plugins


enterprise on-premise 

jump on quickly

  • small company/team/solo dev
  • code is on a private github repo
  • painless dive into world of automation
  • just wanna check "continuous *"

jump on quickly

Setup Circle ci

  • registration takes <1min
    • uses Github OAuth 
  • adding new project <1min
    • 3 clicks

Add circle.yml

Circle CI


  • private projects
    • 1 container free
    • $50 per container
  • public projects
    • 4 containers free
    • $50 per container

Multiple versions

  • test same code using multiple language versions
  • or different databases
  • or ...

Multiple versions

We have our own orm

  • need to test it against multiple versions of PHP
  • and different databases

Setup TRAVIS ci

  • registration takes <1min
    • uses Github OAuth 
  • adding new project <1min


JOB page

Travis ci


  • private projects
    • 100 builds free
    • $129 for 2 concurent jobs
    • $249 for 5 concurent jobs
    • $489 for 10 concurent jobs
  • public projects
    • 4 concurent jobs free

Travis ci

public vs private repos

  • separate web sites
  • waiting queue time on private < public

Customizable JOBS

  • multiple jobs inside one build
  • each prepared differently
    • code quality check
    • browser tests


Customizable Builds

  • multiple builds on each push
  • or in pipeline
    • when X finishes, start Y

Customizable Builds


  • tests take lot of time
  • automatic 'sharding' across nodes


source code management support

Works with github?

Works with BITBUCKET?

Works with GITLAB?

Works with basic git repo?

Works with *anything* you can throw at it?

Quick feedback on critical + long tests

  • not critical but nice to have tests
  • take a long time
  • testing 3rd party
  • slow browser tests
  • we want quick feedback loop

Quick feedback on critical + long tests

  • separate them 
  • run
    • critical on each push
    • nice to have from time to time

Quick feedback on critical+ long tests

Any questions on this part?

or 'Still no questions?'

Clean builds vs performance

  • clean build: no artifacts from previous runs

Clean build

  • start each build from scratch
  • takes time to setup
    • dependencies
    • data
  • they offer caching of dependencies

Dirty builds

  • just continues where last one stopped
  • reuses stuff from previous runs
  • no need to install library again (composer,npm,..)
  • can save lot of time on each build
  • dirty data
  • dirty files
  • watchout and clean it before/after build

Just continous delivery

- 1 click style

  • we can create a build from master now
  • save it somewhere
  • lets deploy it from phone using 1 button

Just continous delivery

- 1 click style

Just continous delivery

- slack style

Just continous delivery

- slack style

Continuos deployment

  • we can create a build from master now
  • save it somewhere
  • lets just deploy it when tests are green

Continuos deployment

Debug build

  • instead of sending new commits with fixes
  • lets ssh into the build 
  • lets get some logs/files to check

Debug build

  • it's your server :)

Debug build

  • debug in beta (add it to .travis.yml where you want a break point)
  • add AWS S3 bucket for logs/artifacts

Debug build

  • enable ssh
  • access to logs/artifacts directly

saas warnings

  • dependencies change
  • you might need newer version of X
  • your app doesn't work with newer version of Y
  • they don't announce all changes in advance

saas warnings

  • shared resource
  • variations in built times

saas warnings

  • you might need some ops knowledge for complicated scenarios

saas - the good parts

  • they take care of underlying infrastructure
  • scale 10x on demand
  • they notify you when other stuff is not working properly
    • github down/bug
    • amazon/heroku unavailable

self hosted - good parts

  • your own hardware
    • buy killer CPUs/memory
  • each job/build can have more then 1 CPU
  • distribute work across slave servers


Thank you

Miro Svrtan


we are hiring!

Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis

By Miro Svrtan

Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis

PHPCon Poland 2016 October 1st 2016

  • 2,735