Stockholm syndrome
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
Donald Knuth
When testing makes no sense
Miro Svrtan
When should we write tests?
High cost to fix?
Cost of fixing > cost of testing
When it brings "value"
Value = benefit - cost
Value = benefit - cost
Fallacy #1:
It makes my project more expensive
Do you charge for manual testing?
Bugs cost too
Ask for forgiveness, not permission
Fallacy #2:
It takes a lot of time
learning != using
Fallacy #3:
It takes extra time
Manual testing takes time as well
Fallacy #4:
ship PoC to production
Feature lifecycle
Phase 1: Exploration
Phase 2: Modelling/architecture
Phase 3: Development
Phase 4: Production
Fallacy #5:
100% code coverage
class User
fn isAdmin() : bool{
return value;
Fallacy #6:
we have "tests"
Fallacy #7:
writing tests later is OK
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if company {
return false
return true
Fallacy #8:
TDD has something to do with testing
Fallacy #9:
TDD all the way
Easier onboarding
Easier to add new features
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if company {
return false
return true
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if company {
if 'DE' == country{
return true
return false
return true
Easier refactoring
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if company {
if 'DE' == country{
return true
return false
return true
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if 'DE' == country{
return true
if company {
return false
return true
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if 'DE' == country{
return true
if company {
return false
return true
class Customer
fn shouldChargeVat(){
if company {
if 'DE' == country{
return true
return false
return true
Easier rewriting
Cleaner code
It's hard to test
shitty code
Small app
One off app
Exploration phase
Job security
Thank you!
Miro Svrtan
miro (at)
When testing makes no sense (WeAreDevs 2019)
By Miro Svrtan
When testing makes no sense (WeAreDevs 2019)
WeAreDevelopers 2019, Berlin
- 2,038