Managing Digital Collections at Albion
Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners
Fall 2015
The Backstory
The Backstory:
- Digitized student newspaper from microfilm
- How to make it discoverable & browsable?
- Use case for a digital repository
Evaluation Time
The Contenders:
- DSpace
- ContentDM
- Omeka
- Islandora
The Contenders:
DSpacenot flexible enough for end users -
ContentDMtoo $, not flexible enough for staff -
Omekanot robust enough for preservation - Islandora
Evaluation Time
We had a winner!
What next?
How to get a working instance?
- Build In-House
- Outsource to DiscoveryGarden, ?
- Other options?
Outsourcing, Round I
- Campus IT didn't have the resources to build
- Spoke with Islandora users at MSU, Grinnell
- Outsourcing didn't seem like a great option:
- Expensive
- Backlog at DiscoveryGarden
- Wanted to try to build in-house
- We decided outsourcing wasn't for us
Building Ourselves
Essentially, we discovered that:
- Islandora installation is quite complex
- We didn't have the staff time to dedicate to installing and maintaining ourselves
So Where Were We?
- We had a great use case for a digital repository
- It was too expensive to outsource
- It was too difficult to build ourselves
We tabled our discussions for a few months, and then...
New Vendor
LYRASIS started offering Islandora SAAS!
Outsourcing, Round 2
We Signed Up
Let the games begin!
We had a hole in our bucket
Albion College Photo Collection
- Inconsistencies between box numbering systems
- Multiple metadata editors/stakeholders
- Cleanup/publishing is ongoing
- Currently ~300 photographs in the repository (of 700 total)
Albion College Pleiad
- Digitized run of student newspapers
- Little extant metadata
- Programmatic metadata creation/ingest difficult without Islandora server access
- Manual processing and uploading
- Currently ~850 issues in the repository (of 2000 - 3000 total)
Digitized Candidates for Ingest
- Student Theses from around 2011
- Video?
Upcoming Candidates for Digitization
- Io Triumphe (alumni magazine)
- The Albionian (yearbook)
- Additional photograph files
- ?
Islandora Project Current Status
- Possible areas of growth:
- Collections that could be easily added
- Others who could be trained on the workflow
- Other growth stuff
- Current bottlenecks include:
- Lack of funding, with regard to:
- Scanner
- Sending materials out to vendors
- Personnel
- Lack of funding, with regard to:
Islandora Challenges
- Turnover in Archivist and Web Services positions
- Transition plan
- Documentation and training
Things Going Well
- Existing projects going well
- Awesome staff -- Jennifer!
Challenges with Joining Islandora Project
- Training
- Initial webinar in December 2014
- Documentation
- Specific metadata requirements decided
- Instruction guide followed
- Ingest/workflow policy
- Folders labeled in 9-year increments
- Work from oldest to newest
More Challenges
- Tracking progress
- Quality control checks
- Learning to make corrections/edits
- Islandora organized files by month, not year
- Search display:
- All January volumes for 9 year span listed before February volumes, etc.
- Quality control checks are time-consuming
Managing Digital Collections at Albion
By Megan Kudzia
Managing Digital Collections at Albion
MMDP Fall 2015 Host Institution Presentation
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