Technical Enhancement Programme

At the end of the day, we all wan't to deliver quality

Our quality assurance process

Testing -> Issue found -> Issue reported -> Rinse and Repeat

Issue reported -> Testing -> Issue found -> Test again to find cause -> Issue fix -> Rinse and Repeat

Issue reported -> Testing -> Issue found -> Test again to find cause -> Issue fix -> Rinse and Repeat

Issue reported -> Testing and analyze diagnostics -> Issue found -> Issue fix -> Rinse and Repeat

Subtle improvements can save man hours in a project

Technical Enhancement

  • Understanding browser behaviour
  • Network diagnostics
  • Application and Storage diagnostics
  • Console diagnostics
  • Authentication diagnostics

Technical Enhancement

  • Once a week session
  • 30 mins
  • Defined learning outcomes
  • Start practicing right away

Are you onboard?

Technical Enhancement Programme

By Mohammad Umair Khan

Technical Enhancement Programme

  • 767