Software Engineering 101
Engineering & Professionalism
Hello, I am Alex
Cross-disciplinary subject
- Technology
- Science
- Psychology
- Social
Software Engineering is an application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to development, operation and maintenance of software.
- IEEE90
Who is an Engineer?
Who is an Engineer?
Programmer (Coder)
- Historically negative context
- Someone who uses the spec to code it down
- "Mechanical" work
Who is an Engineer?
- Development of software products
- Not only code
Who is an Engineer?
- Development + Operations + Maintenance
- Wider responsibilities
- Standardised speciality (not everywhere)
What to consider?
What to consider?
- Ethics
- Responsibility
- Liability
- Professionalism
- Impact
- Value
"How you do anything is how you do everything"
- Secrets of Millionaire Mind
Honour your values!
Mindset: Principles -> Values
Say NO!
It's your responsibility
We work with people for people
Be predictable!
Strive for reliability and consistency
Be replaceable!
Share, mentor, learn, stay open for opportunities
Be pragmatic
not religious
There are no silver bullets
Take Aways
SE101: Engineering & Professionalism
By Alexey Migutsky
SE101: Engineering & Professionalism
- 2,040