English 1101
today's work
we will work for 45 minutes
on the paper you turned in Sunday night
format (5 minutes)
pull up your paper on your screen--not your phone.
type APA or MLA at the top of your paper in all caps
turn on track changes
switch seats with someone
check their MLA/APA format.
name? date? my name? title? same font? same size font?
title centered?
works cited (5 minutes)
Make sure the works cited or reference page is correct.
With track changes on, make any changes.
Ask other people if unsure.
in-text citations (5 minutes)
(Grant-Davie 23)
(qtd. in Grant-Davie 23)
these are your only options. Correct as needed
Adding length (10 minutes)
find 7 places where the author could add a 'because statement' at the end of the sentence.
Example: It's important to rhetorically analyze one's writing.
With track changes on, add the because...
evidence (10 minutes)
get your seat back.
add marginal comments about evidence.
ctrl + alt + m = PC
command + option + a = Mac
assignment sheet / teacher feedback / your writing / screen shots / rubric / venn diagram
find 5 places in your paper where you can add evidence. Make a marginal comment (insert comment) to remind yourself.
delete words (5 minutes)
with track changes on, search for
to be able to
in order to
cut what you can.
English 1101
By mrifenburg
English 1101
- 1,056