Introduction to Blender

Form 3 - Computer


Floor 4 - Computer Room

Mr. Peter




Chair and table


Building Steps


Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Select the cube

2. Change the Scale of Z to 0.1

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Press Shift + A

2. Select Mesh

3. Select Cube

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Select the cube

2. Change the X and Y of the scale to 0.2

3. Change the Z of the scale to 0.8

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Select the cube

2. Change the X and Y of the location to 0.6m

3. Change the Z axis of the location of the cube to -0.8m

Ex05 - Chair and table

Click -Z button

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Select the chair leg

2. Press Shift + D to copy the chair leg

3. Press Y key to move it along with Y axis

Ex05 - Chair and table

Change the Y axis of the location to -0.6

Ex05 - Chair and table

Repeat the steps four times

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Press Shift + A

2. Select Mesh

3. Select Cube

Ex05 - Chair and table

Define the properties of the cube as the image above

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Select the chair

2. Press G and Z to move up

Ex05 - Chair and table

Move it far away from the center point

Ex05 - Chair and table

1. Press Shift + A

2. Select Mesh

3. Select Cube

Ex05 - Chair and table

Create a table with the parameters above

Ex05 - Chair and table

Repeat the steps for creating the chair legs to create the table legs

Ex05 - Chair and table

Copy Chair and move it around the table

  • G key: Grab and move the objecy
  • R key: Rotate the object
  • X key: X-axis
  • Y key: Y-axis
  • Z key: Z-axis

Ex05 - Chair and table

Create a Plane as a ground

Ex05 - Chair and table

Change material color of each object if you want.

Ex05 - Chair and table

F3 - Introduction to Blender

By Mr Peter

F3 - Introduction to Blender

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