Skill and Processes
DeMante' Hawkins
Joshua Swen
March 18,2014
Mod 2


1.0 Skill and Processes
Students will demonstrate the thinking and acting inherent
in the practice of science.


Explain how different models can be used to represent the thing.What kind of a model to use and how complex it should be depended on it's purpose.

Key Vocabulary words

1. Models- A three-dimensional representation  of a thing or of a proposed structure typically on a smaller scale than the original.
2. Control- The power to influence or direct people's behavior.


1. What is a model ?
2. What are the causes of control ?
3. What are the differences between model and control ?


1. A three-dimensional representation  of a thing or of a proposed structure typically on a smaller scale than the original.
2. Power to influence, direct people's behavior.
3. A difference is that control direct people's behavior. 

different models can be used to represent the thing

By 8th Grade Science

different models can be used to represent the thing

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