Energy Sources

Sharyia Harris  , Marshall Dreher

MOD : 5

March 18, 2014

Objective : 

Students will research and identify various energy sources and the energy transforming devices used to produce electrical energy.

Standard :

Standard 4.0 Chemistry
Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the composition , structure , and interactions of matter in order to support the predictability of structure and energy transformations. 


 Solar cell- a photo-voltaic cell that converts sunlight directly into electricity.
     Turbines-  A  machine for producing continues power.
     Fossil fuels- a natural fuels such as coal or gas.
     Wind Mills- a windmill is a machine that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy. 


Exit Ticket 

1. what are solar cells ?

2. what are turbines ?

3. what are fossil fuels ?


1. a natural fuels such as coal or gas.

    2.A machine for producing continues power.

3. a natural fuels such as coal or gas.

Energy Sources

By 8th Grade Science

Energy Sources

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