magnetic fields

James Shaw
Anthony Hall


Various types of Magnetic Field use materials, such as iron 
and small compasses

Standard 5.0physics

 Electro magnetic:relating to the interrelation of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields
magnetic field:a region around a magnetic material or a moving electric charge within which the force of magnetism acts.
magnet:a piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other material) that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, such as attracting other iron-containing objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field
iron fillings:Iron filings are very small pieces of iron that look like a light powder. They are very often used in science demonstrations to show the direction of a magnetic field. Since iron is a ferromagnetic material, a magnetic field induces each particle to become a tiny bar magnet.
electrical currents:An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in a plasma


  ?1how can you prove your theory correct
? 2why do you need iron filling
?3how strong can the magnet be

.multiply the traits

.the magnet would not be able to attack anything

.the magnet would be not as strong


By 8th Grade Science



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